
刷题过程中总结的常见的同义替换和反义, 持续更新中,如果有个别错误的,欢迎指正。


similar adj. 类似的

  • resemble
  • like
  • compare

acknowledge v. 承认,认识

  • realize

appreciate v. 欣赏

  • acknowledge

measure v. 测量

  • calculate

assess v. 评估,预算

  • evaluate

trait n. 特征,特性

  • characteristic

property n. 特性;财产

  • feature

prompt v. 促进,激起

  • initate

exchange v. 交换

  • share

based on 以…为基础;根据

  • ground

underestimate v. 低谷;轻视

  • ignore

crash n.撞车事故 v. 坠毁

  • disaster

pursue v.追求

  • stay with

because… family wanted 因为家人想要

  • to please his family

gave up 放弃

  • drop

focus on 集中

  • specialize

last work 最后一份工作

  • retired completely

fear v. 害怕 n. 恐惧

  • risk

the rest of sth 剩下的东西

  • later

nowadays adv. 现在

  • recent

past n. 过去 adj. 过去的

  • has been

less significant 不那么重要

  • importance lost

satisfying adj. 令人满足的

  • powerful
  • rewarding

work out 解决

  • decide
  • sort out

decipher v. 破译, 辨认

  • work out

compose v. 组成

  • put together

more carefully 更加认真

  • meticulously

appear v. 出现

  • view

most / est 更加/最佳

  • more /er

different adj. 不同的

  • differ
  • varying
  • various
  • several
  • unlike
  • separate
  • divergent
  • incompatiable with
  • discrepancy

change v/n. 变化

  • mainly xx%

mitigate v. 减轻,缓和

  • reduce

swing v/n. 摇摆, 改变

  • variation

benefit n. 利益,好处

  • strengthen
  • reduce risk

buy v/n. 购买

  • invest

same individual 同一类型的人

  • subscription

create a system 创建系统

  • identified five types

classification n. 分类

  • five distinct

feeling n. 感受

  • experience

reason n. 原因

  • result from
  • difficulties of
  • because of

danger n. 危险

  • worryingly
  • failing to

productive outcome 富有成效的结果

  • more creative
  • amazing things
  • seek out more

behind 在……后面

  • back

cameras n.摄像机

  • photographs

documentary n.纪录片

  • film

re-order v.重新排列

  • sequence

cut sth down 削减某物

  • shorten

seperate points 分离观点

  • list ideas

share v.分享

  • hire

human lifes 人类生活

  • the way in which we choose to live

use computer 使用电脑

  • produce by humans of computer

identify v. 查明,定义,识别

  • look for

some det. 一些

  • a certain degree

postgraduates n. 研究生

  • student

be working 在工作

  • in employment

wide range 广阔的范围

  • much variety
  • broad

unsuccessful adj. 不成功的

  • unhappy

further adv. 更远地

  • far-reaching

community n. 社区

  • public

colleagues n. 同事

  • department

stop v. 停止

  • pull out

confidentiality n. 保密性

  • no names would be traceable

without touching and smelling 没有摸和闻

  • without realising

discover v. 发现

  • explore
  • found

a short time 一段时间

  • temporarily

parasites n. 寄生虫

  • microscopic
  • worm

sold v. 销售

  • export

aimed 目标

  • directed

test in real sth 真实测试,现场实验

  • field tests

exhausted adj. 耗尽,精疲力尽

  • burn out

never appreciate 不欣赏

  • unrecognised
  • unrewarded

dying adj. 垂死的

  • Immortality

pattern n. 模式,样式

  • format

strugglers n. 奋斗者

  • less successful

imbalance n. 不平衡

  • disorders

under certain circustances 处于某些情况下

  • when handled by experts

safe n. 安全

  • free from danger

blighted adj. 毁坏的

  • plagued

single nest 一个巢

  • one group

elusive adj. 难以发现的, 难以理解的

  • hard to find

frequent adj. 频繁的

  • more often

well organized 计划性强

  • proper structure

learn out 学习,探索

  • find out

existing adj. 存在的

  • at the moment

before migrate 迁移之前

  • prior invasion

lack n/v. 缺乏

  • never develop

expectancy n. 寿命

  • lifetime

likelihood n. 可能性

  • guess
  • estimate
  • perhaps
  • might

ground n. 地面 adj. 地面的

  • underlying

rules n. 规则

  • assumptions

walk v/n. 步行

  • pedestrian

footpath n. 人行道

  • pavement

willing adj. 情愿的

  • take pity

challenge n.挑战

  • strecth

bones n.骨头

  • skeleton

higher adj. 更高的

  • rising

extremely vulnerable 极度容易受伤

  • more at risk

teaching practices 教学实践

  • teaching methods
  • recent trends in learning

prevent v. 阻止

  • rule out
  • cloud out

failed adj.失败的

  • dogged by

a fair degree of accuracy 相当精确

  • reasonablely accurate

previous adj. 之前的

  • past experience

willingness n. 愿意

  • receptive

what is fresh and different 新鲜和不同的事情

  • new experience

psychological illness 心理疾病

  • mental disorder

area n. 区域

  • field

change quickly 改变很快

  • go out suddenly

drive you home 送你回家

  • transport home

starting point 起点

  • basic form

initially intended 最初的意图

  • set out with an apparently simple aim

fame n. 名声

  • resulting acclaim

increasing nation income 增长的国家收入

  • a big export earner

air pollution 空气污染

  • carbon dioxide emission

a wide range of features 大范围的功能

  • a whole series of categories

a sense of self 自我的感觉

  • awareness

meet visitor expectations 满足参观者的期待

  • this corresponds to public perceptions

ordinary people / visitor 普通的人/参观者

  • public

the sharpe distinction … is gradually evaporating 明显的区别正逐渐消失。

  • are less easy to distinguish than before

particular study 特殊的学习

  • experiment

changes n. 改变

  • altered

major component 重要的部分

  • important part

environmental issues 环境问题

  • Environmentally- friendly

produce 产生

  • generate

process v 处理

  • handle with

domestic adj 国内的,家用的

  • house

large quantity of 大量的

  • massive amounts of

drawback n 缺点

  • problems

strength n 优点

  • cope well with

limited adj 受限的

  • a few

sales n 销售

  • retail

engine maintenance 引擎维护

  • look after the mechanical side

sheltered visitors 庇护参观者

  • shade for people

countries awating EU admission 等待EU加入许可的国家

  • Country which are candidates for entry to the EU

solely 独立地

  • alone

approach n. 方法

  • method
  • step

still at the company n 还在公司

  • Ramain in their jobs

take gambles 冒险

  • take chances

apprentice n. 学徒

  • assistant

deprived area 贫穷的地区

  • socially- disadvantage

death rate 死亡率

  • morality rate

attitudes n. 态度

  • opinions

modesty n. 谦虚

  • humility

perspective n 观点

  • view

situation n 情况

  • circumstance

home n 家

  • household

cleanliness n 清洁

  • hygiene (卫生)

life-long adj 终身的

  • whole lifes

by hand 通过手

  • no mechanical means

set at a profit

  • make money

try hard to gain 努力获得

  • mark effors to earn

general category of 在什么大类下

  • cover

student paper 学生论文

  • an assignment a student wrote

structure 结构

  • headings for different sections

trek 徒步旅行

  • ride

build 建造

  • construct

hire 租用

  • rent

magazine article 杂志文章

  • publish

wide acceptance 大范围接受

  • common belief

grow up 成长

  • upbring

negative consequence 不好的结果

  • difficulties

highly endangered

  • conservation

old 年老的

  • ancestor
  • ancestral

young 年轻的

  • juvenile

eliminate v 消除

  • eradication

mixture 混合体

  • c. ombinat ion

rare 稀少的

  • less

trigger the production 释放产物

  • release a substance

arts 艺术

  • gallery

pictures 图片

  • crafts

music and technology 音乐和技术

  • contemporary culture

art form 艺术形式

  • dance , song

starting point 开始

  • part of play

matter 问题

  • issue

hundreds of species 上百种物种

  • biodiversity

scrutiny 详细审查

  • examination

all sectors 所有部门

  • every area of business

chief executives 首席执行官

  • senior managers

battle 战斗

  • dispute


rarely visited 很少去

  • often stayed
  • spent much

reduction n. 减少

  • burst
  • growth

many similarities 许多相似点

  • quite different

different adj. 不同的

  • universal

had been finished 已经完成

  • almost
  • completed

problem thinking up idea 提出想法的问题

  • better

encourage v. 鼓励

  • maintain and control

harmony with 与什么协调

  • conflict with

place v 放置

  • reveal

generalize v 概括

  • detailed definition

permanent adj 永久的

  • temporary