Opening and closing tabs
Once Vim has been launched, there are many commands that directly create or close tabs:
:tabedit {file} edit specified file in a new tab :tabfind {file} open a new tab with filename given, searching the 'path' to find it :tabclose close current tab :tabclose {i} close i-th tab :tabonly close all other tabs (show only the current tab)
:tabs list all tabs including their displayed windows :tabm 0 move current tab to first :tabm move current tab to last :tabm {i} move current tab to position i+1 :tabn go to next tab :tabp go to previous tab :tabfirst go to first tab :tablast go to last tab
In normal mode, you can type:
gt go to next tab gT go to previous tab {i}gt go to tab in position i
Note that the gt command counts from one. That means 3gt will jump to the third tab. Also note is 0gt and 1gt mean the same thing: jumping to the first tab.