
> Configure project :app
Location specified by ndk.dir () did not contain a valid NDK and so couldn't satisfy the required NDK version 20.0.5594570

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
> NDK not configured. Download it with SDK manager. Preferred NDK version is '20.0.5594570'. Log: E:\umeng\CrashDemo-1.2.0\app\.cxx\ndk_locator_record.json

* Try:
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

Android Studio问题解决:Location specified by ndk.dir () did not contain a valid NDK and so couldn‘t sati_android



Android Studio问题解决:Location specified by ndk.dir () did not contain a valid NDK and so couldn‘t sati_ndk_02


Android Studio问题解决:Location specified by ndk.dir () did not contain a valid NDK and so couldn‘t sati_android_03

Android Studio问题解决:Location specified by ndk.dir () did not contain a valid NDK and so couldn‘t sati_json_04
