



Then your configuration file ('/etc/my.cnf' for example) should look like that:(但是不一定就是在/etc/my.cnf这个目录里,我的就是/etc/mysql/my.cnf文件)

  1. Remove that directive and you should be good.
  2. Then your configuration file ('/etc/my.cnf' for example) should look like that:
collation-server = utf8_unicode_ci
init-connect='SET NAMES utf8'
character-set-server = utf8
collation-server = utf8_unicode_ci
init-connect='SET NAMES utf8'
character-set-server = utf8
  1. Restart MySQL.
  2. For making sure, your MySQL is UTF8, Run the following queries in your MySQL prompt:
  • First query:
mysql> show variables like'char%';
 mysql> show variables like'char%';