原则上,要求所有录用论文的作者参加本次研讨会;如果因故不能参加,必须在会议日期之前邮件提交PPT或者Poster,由大会主办方 代为宣读或张贴。研讨会不出版会议论文集,录用的论文全部在国际期刊(SCI/EI)正刊出版(2011年~2012年全部出版),出版本次研讨会论文的 期刊如下:
? Information, An International Interdisciplinary Journal(SCI indexed) 40
? Computers and Electrical Engineering (SCI indexed) 8
? Journal of Computational Information System(EI indexed) 40
? Journal of Convergence Information Technology (EI indexed) 40
? International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (EI indexed) 40
? International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (EI indexed) 40
? Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (EI indexed) 40
? Journal of Computers (EI indexed, pending) 10
? Journal of Software (EI indexed, pending) 10
? Information technology journal (EI indexed) 50