delay 参数将转换为带符号的32位整数,这有效地将延迟限制为 ​​2147483647 ms​​(约 24.8 天)

2147483647 === Math.pow(2, 31) - 1 === parseInt('01111111111111111111111111111111', 2)


Nodejs 中

setInterval(callback, delay[, ...args])
setTimeout(callback, delay[, ...args])

When ​​delay​​​ is larger than ​​2147483647​​​ or less than ​​1​​​, the ​​delay​​​ will be set to ​​1​​. Non-integer delays are truncated to an integer.

行为统一!当 delay 大于 ​​2147483647​​​ 时,将会被设置为 1。-- ​​Here​

// 下述 delay 都为 1
setInterval(() => {
console.log(+new Date())
}, 3333333000)

setInterval(() => {
console.log(+new Date())
}, 9999999000)

setInterval(() => {
console.log(+new Date())
}, 2147483647 + 1)


  1. Let timeout be the second argument to the method, or zero if the argument was omitted.
  2. Apply the ToString() abstract operation to timeout, and let timeout be the result. [​​ECMA262]​
  3. Apply the ToNumber() abstract operation to timeout, and let timeout be the result. [​​ECMA262]​
  4. If timeout is an Infinity value, a Not-a-Number (NaN) value, or negative, let timeout be zero.
  5. Round timeout down to the nearest integer, and let timeout be the result.
  6. Return timeout.

关注第四点:如果超时是Infinity值,非数字(NaN)值或负值,则将超时设置为零。– ​​Here​


parseInt('0000000000000000000101110111000', 2) === 3000

上述为 3000 ms


setTimeout(() => {
console.log(+new Date())
}, parseInt('1000000000000000000101110111000', 2)) // 立即执行


setTimeout(() => {
console.log(+new Date())
}, parseInt('10000000000000000000101110111000', 2)) // 3000ms后执行

其他: 现代浏览器中,​​setTimeout()/setInterval()​

  • Timeouts throttled to ≥ 4ms
  • Timeouts in inactive tabs throttled to ≥ 1000ms
