
delimiter $$

use `dst_111yao_doms`$$

drop trigger /*!50032 IF EXISTS */ `d_shop_ware_price_update`$$

/*!50017 DEFINER = 'dstadmin'@'%' */
trigger `d_shop_ware_price_update` after update on `d_shop_ware`
for each row

if exists(select * from `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` where olshopid = NEW.olshopid and tfid = NEW.pfid and warecode = NEW.outter_id and skuid = NEW.sku and `status` = '0'
select * from `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` where olshopid = NEW.olshopid and tfid = NEW.pfid and warecode = NEW.outter_id and skuid = NEW.sku and `status` = '1' )

select b.flag_price into @flag_price_copy from `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_shop_ware` as a,`dst_111yao_doms`.`d_platform` as b
where a.pfid = b.pfid and a.olshopid = NEW.olshopid and a.tfid = NEW.pfid and a.warecode = NEW.outter_id and a.skuid = NEW.sku;
if @flag_price_copy = '1' then
if NEW.real_price <> OLD.real_price then
update `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` set price = NEW.real_price , `status` = '0' , createtime = now()
where olshopid = NEW.olshopid and tfid = NEW.pfid and warecode = NEW.outter_id and skuid = NEW.sku;
end if;
#如果flag_price= 2 ,
elseif @flag_price_copy = '2' then
if NEW.nor_price <> OLD.nor_price then
update `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` set price = NEW.nor_price , `status` = '0' , createtime = now()
where olshopid = NEW.olshopid and tfid = NEW.pfid and warecode = NEW.outter_id and skuid = NEW.sku;
end if;
#监控字段d_shop_ware.prom_price的变化,有变化并且‘促销价取消标记’ 等于(0未取消)的情况下,就需要生成促销价的同步任务
if (NEW.prom_price <> OLD.prom_price and NEW.flag_cancel = '0') then
update `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` set price = NEW.prom_price , `status` = '0' , createtime = now()
where olshopid = NEW.olshopid and tfid = NEW.pfid and warecode = NEW.outter_id and skuid = NEW.sku;
end if;
#监控字段d_shop_ware.flag_cancel的变化,当‘促销价取消标记’ 从(0未取消)变成(1已取消 ,2已结束)时,需要生成结束促销活动的同步任务,只需要取值实际价就行
if (OLD.flag_cancel = '0' and (NEW.flag_cancel = '1' or NEW.flag_cancel = '2')) then
update `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` set price = NEW.real_price , `status` = '0' , createtime = now()
where olshopid = NEW.olshopid and tfid = NEW.pfid and warecode = NEW.outter_id and skuid = NEW.sku;
end if;
end if;
elseif exists(select * from `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` where olshopid = NEW.olshopid and tfid = NEW.pfid and warecode = NEW.outter_id and skuid = NEW.sku and `status` = '2') then
update `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` set update_time = now()
where olshopid = NEW.olshopid and tfid = NEW.pfid and warecode = NEW.outter_id and skuid = NEW.sku;
select b.flag_price into @flag_price_copy from `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_shop_ware` as a,`dst_111yao_doms`.`d_platform` as b
where a.pfid = b.pfid and a.olshopid = NEW.olshopid and a.tfid = NEW.pfid and a.warecode = NEW.outter_id and a.skuid = NEW.sku;
if @flag_price_copy = '1' then
if NEW.real_price <> OLD.real_price then
insert into `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` (olshopid,tfid, busno_online, numiid, warecode, skuid, price, `status`, execdate, createtime)
values (NEW.olshopid , NEW.pfid , (select s.sellerid from d_shop as s where olshopid = NEW.olshopid) , NEW.num_iid , NEW.outter_id , NEW.sku , NEW.real_price , 0 , null , now());
end if;
elseif @flag_price_copy = '2' then
if NEW.nor_price <> OLD.nor_price then
insert into `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` (olshopid,tfid, busno_online, numiid, warecode, skuid, price, `status`, execdate, createtime)
values (NEW.olshopid , NEW.pfid , (select s.sellerid from d_shop as s where olshopid = NEW.olshopid) , NEW.num_iid , NEW.outter_id , NEW.sku , NEW.nor_price , 0 , null , now());
end if;
#监控字段d_shop_ware.prom_price的变化,有变化并且‘促销价取消标记’ 等于(0未取消)的情况下,就需要生成促销价的同步任务
if (NEW.prom_price <> OLD.prom_price and NEW.flag_cancel = '0') then
insert into `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` (olshopid,tfid, busno_online, numiid, warecode, skuid, price, `status`, execdate, createtime)
values (NEW.olshopid , NEW.pfid , (select s.sellerid from d_shop as s where olshopid = NEW.olshopid) , NEW.num_iid , NEW.outter_id , NEW.sku , NEW.prom_price , 0 , null , now());
end if;
#监控字段d_shop_ware.flag_cancel的变化,当‘促销价取消标记’ 从(0未取消)变成(1已取消 ,2已结束)时,需要生成结束促销活动的同步任务,只需要取值实际价就行
if (OLD.flag_cancel = '0' and (NEW.flag_cancel = '1' or NEW.flag_cancel = '2')) then
insert into `dst_111yao_doms`.`d_price_upt` (olshopid,tfid, busno_online, numiid, warecode, skuid, price, `status`, execdate, createtime)
values (NEW.olshopid , NEW.pfid , (select s.sellerid from d_shop as s where olshopid = NEW.olshopid) , NEW.num_iid , NEW.outter_id , NEW.sku , NEW.real_price , 0 , null , now());
end if;
end if;
end if;

delimiter ;