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College Students’ Booklist

        The table shows the changes of students’ choices of various kinds of books from 1990 to 2010. Obviously enough,the number of novels and books of philosophy and society has declined gradually,with that of foreign languages books and computerscience ones.enjoying much more popularity.Though different readers have their own particular tastes,several factors give rise to this phenomenon.
         Firstly, nowadays, most of the college students tend to buy more books concerning foreign languages learning and computer science,mainly because there is a pressing need of foreign languages and computer skills for their future employment.Secondly, though the selling number of novels decreased,they are still popular.This can be attributed to the availability of the Internet,on which people can easily read most popular books.I always buy books of computer science,firstly because it is my major.Secondly, it is well known that computer science often witnesses the fastest changes.
        Thus in order to keep up with the pace of the modern world,I have to constantly arm myself with new information.

