Installing on Linux


We recommend installing on a modern Ubuntu or Fedora distribution, asboth are pretty well supported.

You can run Review Board inside a Linux virtual machine running on topof ​​ VMware ESXi​​​ or ​​ VMware Workstation Server​​.

Alternatively, we can host your Review Board server at ​​ RBCommons​​.

Before You Begin

Review Board is provided as downloadable packages through​​Python setuptools​​. The easy part is installing Review Board itself. Theharder part is installing some of the dependencies, which we have less controlover. This guide will help with some of these dependencies.

It’s assumed that you know which database and web server you want to use,and have already installed these on your server. It’s also assumed thatyou have Python v2.x (2.5 or newer) installed.

Review Board supports the following database servers:

And the following web servers:

The instructions below are assuming you’re logged in as ​​root​​ orare using sudo.

Using a HTTP Proxy

If you’re behind a proxy server, you’ll need to set the ​​http_proxy​​environment variable to your proxy server before runningeasy_install. This must be done as the user runningeasy_install, in the same shell. For example:

$ sudo -s $ export http_proxy= $ easy_install ....

If you’re running Fedora

Fedora provides Review Board packages that are released shortly after weperform new releases. To install Review Board and its dependencies onFedora, simply run:

$ yum install ReviewBoard

You can then skip the rest of this guide for the required components. You maystill want to install optional components, such as​​Amazon S3 Support​​.

You will still need to install your site. See ​​ Creating a Review Board Site​​ fordetails.

If you’re running CentOS, Red Hat, etc.

CentOS, RedHat, Scientific Linux, and other Enterprise Linux distributionsneed to have the EPEL package repository added. Please see the​​instructions​​ on adding the EPELpackage repositories to your system.

Once added, you can install Review Board and its dependencies by running:

$ yum install ReviewBoard

You can then skip the rest of this guide for the required components. You maystill want to install optional components, such as​​Amazon S3 Support​​.

You will still need to install your site. See ​​ Creating a Review Board Site​​ fordetails.

Installing Python Setuptools

Before you begin, you’ll need ​​ Python setuptools​​ version 0.6c9 or higher.Most Linux distributions have this packaged and available for installation.

To install on ​​ Debian​​​, ​​ Ubuntu​​, or another Debian-based distribution,type:

$ apt-get install python-setuptools

To install on ​​ Fedora​​ 8 and above, type:

$ yum install -y python-setuptools-devel.noarch

To install on a ​​ RedHat Enterprise​​​, ​​ CentOS​​​, ​​ Fedora​​ 7 and earlier, oranother RedHat-based distribution, type:

$ yum install python-setuptools

Users of other distributions should check with their distribution for nativepackages, or follow the ​​ setuptools installation​​ instructions.

If the version of setuptools available for your distribution is older than0.6c9, you’ll need to install it first, and then upgrade it to the latestversion by running:

$ easy_install -U setuptools

Installing Python Development Headers

You will need to install the Python development headers for yourdistribution.

To install on ​​ Debian​​​, ​​ Ubuntu​​, or another Debian-based distribution,type:

$ apt-get install python-dev

To install on a ​​ RedHat Enterprise​​​, ​​ Fedora​​​, ​​ CentOS​​, or anotherRedHat-based distribution, type:

$ yum install python-devel

Installing memcached


​Memcached​​ is a high-performance caching server used by Review Board. Whileoptional, it’s strongly recommended in order to have a fast, responsiveserver. Along with memcached, we need the python-memcached Python bindings.

To install on ​​ Debian​​​ or ​​ Ubuntu​​, type:

$ apt-get install memcached

To install on ​​ RedHat Enterprise​​​, ​​ Fedora​​​ or ​​ CentOS​​, type:

$ yum install memcached


You’ll need to install python-memcached. You can install this by typing:

$ easy_install python-memcached

Installing patch

patch is required for Review Board’s diff viewer to work.All distributions should provide this. We recommend using patch version 2.7 ornewer.

To install on ​​ Debian​​​ or ​​ Ubuntu​​, type:

$ apt-get install patch

To install on ​​ RedHat Enterprise​​​, ​​ Fedora​​​ or ​​ CentOS​​, type:

$ yum install patch

Installing Review Board

To install Review Board and its required dependencies (Djblets,​​Django-Evolution​​​, ​​ Django​​​, ​​ flup​​​, ​​ paramiko​​​ and ​​ Python Imaging Library​​)in one go, type:

$ easy_install ReviewBoard

This will automatically download and install the latest stable release ofReview Board and the required versions of its core dependencies.

If you want to install an in-development release, see​​Installing Development Releases​​.

Installing Database Bindings

Depending on the database you plan to use, you will probably need additionalbindings.


To install, type:

$ easy_install mysql-python

Distributions may provide native packages. You may also need to install a mysqldevelopment package first.

To install on ​​ Debian​​​ or ​​ Ubuntu​​, type:

$ apt-get install python-mysqldb


To install, type:

$ easy_install psycopg2

Installing Source Control Components

Depending on which source control systems you plan to use, you will needsome additional components.


To use Review Board with ​​ CVS​​, you’ll need the cvs packageinstalled. This is available on almost every distribution.

To install on ​​ Debian​​​ or ​​ Ubuntu​​, type:

$ apt-get install cvs

To install on ​​ RedHat Enterprise​​​, ​​ Fedora​​​ or ​​ CentOS​​, type:

$ yum install cvs


To install on ​​ Debian​​​ or ​​ Ubuntu​​, type:

$ apt-get install git-core

To install on ​​ Fedora​​, type:

$ yum install git-core

If your distribution doesn’t provide ​​ Git​​​, you’ll need to install itmanually from ​​​​.


To install support for ​​ Mercurial​​, type:

$ easy_install mercurial

You can also check your distribution for a native package, or use one of the​​binary packages​​ provided.


To use Review Board with ​​ Perforce​​, you’ll first need to installp4 some place in your web server’s path (usually ​​/usr/bin​​​).You can download this from the ​​ Perforce downloads​​ page.

You’ll then need to install the Python bindings by typing the following:

$ easy_install P4PythonInstaller

This should fetch the appropriate versions of the ​​p4api​​ library andcompile it. This will require that you have standard build tools(gcc, make, etc.) installed on your system.


To use Review Board with ​​ Subversion​​​, you’ll need both subversion andeither ​​ subvertpy​​​ installed. For backwards compatibility with older ReviewBoard installations, ​​PySVN​​ may be installed in place of subvertpy.


To install on ​​ Debian​​​ or ​​ Ubuntu​​, type:

$ apt-get install python-subvertpy

To install on ​​ Fedora​​, type:

$ yum install python-subvertpy

On ​​ RedHat Enterprise​​​ and ​​ CentOS​​, you may have to install subvertpy fromscratch if you do not wish to add the EPEL repository. To install PySVN fromEPEL, add its repository, then type:

$ yum --enablerepo=epel install python-subvertpy

If your distribution doesn’t provide subvertpy, you can install it byinstalling the development packages for Python and subversion, and thenthe package itself via easy_install, by typing:

$ easy_install subvertpy


To install on ​​ Debian​​​ or ​​ Ubuntu​​, type:

$ apt-get install subversion python-svn

To install on ​​ Fedora​​, type:

$ yum install subversion pysvn

​RedHat Enterprise​​​ and ​​CentOS​​ provide subversion, but you may have toinstall PySVN from scratch if you do not wish to add the EPEL repository.To install Subversion, type:

$ yum install subversion

To install PySVN from EPEL, add its repository, then type:

$ yum --enablerepo=epel install pysvn

If your distribution doesn’t provide PySVN, you can install it by​​downloading​​​ the latestrelease and following the instructions in the provided ​​INSTALL.html​​.

Installing Amazon S3 Support (optional)

This is an optional step.

Review Board can use ​​ Amazon S3​​​ to store uploaded screenshots. To installthis, you will need the ​​django-storages​​ module. Type:

$ easy_install django-storages

After you’ve installed Review Board and created your site, you will needto configure this. See the ​​ File Storage Settings​​ documentation formore information.

Installing OpenStack Swift Support (optional)

This is an optional step.

Review Board can use ​​ OpenStack Swift​​​ to store uploaded screenshots. To installthis, you will need the ​​django-storage-swift​​ module. Type:

$ easy_install django-storage-swift

After you’ve installed Review Board and created your site, you will needto configure this. See the ​​ File Storage Settings​​ documentation formore information.

Installing Development Tools (optional)

If you plan to work on Review Board’s source code, there are a fewadditional packages you’ll need to install:

You can install these in one go by typing:

$ easy_install nose Sphinx

After Installation

Once you’ve finished getting Review Board itself installed, you’ll want tocreate your site. See ​​ Creating a Review Board Site​​ for details.