Artificial Neuron Model


Andrew Ng

Andrew Ng

(2)We should learn some denotion first to understand the above second model.

Andrew Ng

For the activation units ,we have the below expression :

Andrew Ng

Finally , we can get the conclusion that the layer J's theta is a

Andrew Ng


Andrew Ng

stands for the number of the layer J's units .

Andrew Ng

stands for the number of the layer (J+1)'s units

Vetorization rise implementation

In order to make our calcus more simple, we have the following new denotions and formulars.


Andrew Ng

Andrew Ng

is a transition variable . 

Andrew Ng

Finally , 

Andrew Ng


Pay attention : When programing , it's necessary to add the bias unit manually in the process of calculating new alpha.

One vs all algorithm in neuron model

Assume that we have n classes to be classified , our model has m layers then our output layer should look like :

Andrew Ng

And it can be 

Andrew Ng


Andrew Ng


Andrew Ng

Andrew Ng

... ...

Each one represents one situation of output ,like the following example 

Andrew Ng