
<Button id="@+id/btn_ok" />


<Button android:id="@+id/btn_ok" />

2 第二种情况:

原來把findViewById的動作移到了 setContentView(R.layout.main);之前 在Android如果在使用setContentView把顯示元件創造出來之前 findViewById是找不到任何東西的,所以必須把findViewById的動作放到setContentView之後




3 第三种情况;

*)if you run the ​​Android​​ app, and it displays an exception, then you find the resource returned by findviewbyid is null,

most likely you are using the old style "id" in you xml layout file, change it to "android.id" will fix your problem.

*)if there is a compile error related to R.id.**, please build your project manually to refresh the R file.

if you perform a clean and build, eclipse may indicate you to fix project build path error, yet you just need to remove the R file and recreate it by building the project once again.


4 第四种情况

自定义View 的时候 必须重写以下方法

 public BottomTab(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {    super(context, attrs);
