1.Lazy Loading(懒加载)

延迟加载有几个好处。延迟加载能让程序启动时间更快,因为加载被推迟到访问变量时。 这在使用 Kotlin 的 Android 应用程序而不是服务器应用程序中特别有用。对于 Android 应用,我们自然希望减少应用启动时间,以便用户更快地看到应用内容,而不是等待初始加载屏幕。


val gankApi: GankApi by lazy {
val retrofit: Retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

val gankApi: GankApi by lazy {
val retrofit: Retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

如果用户从没有调用 GankApi ,则永远不会加载。因此也不会占用所需资源。


val name: String by lazy {
Log.d(TAG, "executed only first time")
"Double Thunder"

val name: String by lazy {
Log.d(TAG, "executed only first time")
"Double Thunder"

也可以用 lazy 做单例。

class MyJavaClass {
class MyItem {}
MyItem item;
final MyItem getItem() {
if (item == null) {
item = new MyItem ();
return item;

//by Kotlin
class MyKotlinClass {
val item by lazy { MyItem() }

class MyJavaClass {
class MyItem {}
MyItem item;
final MyItem getItem() {
if (item == null) {
item = new MyItem ();
return item;

//by Kotlin
class MyKotlinClass {
val item by lazy { MyItem() }


lazy(LazyThreadSafeMode.NONE){ ... }

2. 自定义 Getters/Setters

Kotlin 会自动的使用 getter/setter 模型,但也有一些情况(倒如 Json)我们需要用自定制 getter 和 setter。例如:

class Book : ParseObject() {

// getString() and put() are methods that come from ParseObject
var name: String
get() = getString("name")
set(value) = put("name", value)

var author: String
get() = getString("author")
set(value) = put("author", value)

class Book : ParseObject() {

// getString() and put() are methods that come from ParseObject
var name: String
get() = getString("name")
set(value) = put("name", value)

var author: String
get() = getString("author")
set(value) = put("author", value)

3. Lambdas

button.setOnClickListener { view ->

toolbar.setOnLongClickListener {

4.Data Classes(数据类)

数据类是一个简单版的 Class,它自动添加了包括 equals(),hashCode(), copy() 和 toString() 方法。将数据与业务逻辑分开。

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

如果使用 Gson 解析 Json 的数据类,则可以使用默认值构造函数:

// Example with Gson's @SerializedName annotation
data class User(
@SerializedName("name") val name: String = "",
@SerializedName("age") val age: Int = 0

// Example with Gson's @SerializedName annotation
data class User(
@SerializedName("name") val name: String = "",
@SerializedName("age") val age: Int = 0

5. 集合过滤

val users = api.getUsers()
// we only want to show the active users in one list
val activeUsersNames = items.filter {
it.active // the "it" variable is the parameter for single parameter lamdba functions

val users = api.getUsers()
// we only want to show the active users in one list
val activeUsersNames = items.filter {
it.active // the "it" variable is the parameter for single parameter lamdba functions

6. Object Expressions(对象表达式)

Object Expressions 允许定义单例。例如:

package com.savvyapps.example.util

import android.os.Handler
import android.os.Looper

// notice that this is object instead of class
object ThreadUtil {

fun onMainThread(runnable: Runnable) {
val mainHandler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())

package com.savvyapps.example.util

import android.os.Handler
import android.os.Looper

// notice that this is object instead of class
object ThreadUtil {

fun onMainThread(runnable: Runnable) {
val mainHandler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())

ThreadUtil 则可以直接调用静态类方法:




viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(object : ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener {
override fun onPageScrollStateChanged(state: Int) {}

override fun onPageScrolled(position: Int, positionOffset: Float, positionOffsetPixels: Int) {}

override fun onPageSelected(position: Int) {

viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(object : ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener {
override fun onPageScrollStateChanged(state: Int) {}

override fun onPageScrolled(position: Int, positionOffset: Float, positionOffsetPixels: Int) {}

override fun onPageSelected(position: Int) {

这两个都基本上是相同的事情 - 创建一个类作为声明对象的单个实例。

7. Companion Object(伴生对象)

Kotlin 是没有静态变量与方法的。相对应的,可以使用伴生对象。伴生对象允许定义的常量和方法,类似于 Java 中的 static。有了它,你可以遵循 newInstance 的片段模式。

class ViewUserActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

companion object {

const val KEY_USER = "user"

fun intent(context: Context, user: User): Intent {
val intent = Intent(context, ViewUserActivity::class.java)
intent.putExtra(KEY_USER, user)
return intent

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

val user = intent.getParcelableExtra<User>(KEY_USER)


val intent = ViewUserActivity.intent(context, user)

8.Global Constants(全局常量)

Kotlin 允许跨越整个应用的全局常量。通常,常量应尽可能减少其范围,但是全局都需要这个常量时,这是一个很好的方式。

const val PRESENTATION_MODE_PRESENTING = "presenting"
const val PRESENTATION_MODE_EDITING = "editing"

const val PRESENTATION_MODE_PRESENTING = "presenting"
const val PRESENTATION_MODE_EDITING = "editing"

9.Optional Parameters(可选参数)

可选参数使得方法调用更加灵活,而不必传递 null 或默认值。 例如:这在定义动画时:

fun View.fadeOut(duration: Long = 500): ViewPropertyAnimator {
return animate()
icon.fadeOut() // fade out with default time (500)
icon.fadeOut(1000) // fade out with custom time

fun View.fadeOut(duration: Long = 500): ViewPropertyAnimator {
return animate()
icon.fadeOut() // fade out with default time (500)
icon.fadeOut(1000) // fade out with custom time

10. Extensions(扩展属性)

例如:在 Activity 调用键盘的隐藏

fun Activity.hideKeyboard(): Boolean {
val view = currentFocus
view?.let {
val inputMethodManager = getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)
as InputMethodManager
return inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view.windowToken,
return false

fun Activity.hideKeyboard(): Boolean {
val view = currentFocus
view?.let {
val inputMethodManager = getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)
as InputMethodManager
return inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view.windowToken,
return false

推荐一个收集 Extensions 的网站 。 ​​kotlinextensions.com​

11. lateinit

对于 Null 的检查是 Kotlin 的特点之一,所以在数据定义时,初始化数据。但有一些在 Android 中某些属性需要在 onCreate() 方法中初始化。

private lateinit var mAdapter: RecyclerAdapter<Transaction>

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
mAdapter = RecyclerAdapter(R.layout.item_transaction)

private lateinit var mAdapter: RecyclerAdapter<Transaction>

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
mAdapter = RecyclerAdapter(R.layout.item_transaction)


var count: Int by Delegates.notNull<Int>()
var name:String by Delegate()

var count: Int by Delegates.notNull<Int>()
var name:String by Delegate()

如果使用 Butter Knife:

@BindView(R.id.toolbar) lateinit var toolbar: Toolbar
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// you can now reference toolbar with no problems!
toolbar.setTitle("Hello There")

@BindView(R.id.toolbar) lateinit var toolbar: Toolbar
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// you can now reference toolbar with no problems!
toolbar.setTitle("Hello There")

12. Safe Typecasting(安全转换)

在 Android 中需要安全类型转换。当您首先在 Kotlin 中进行类型转换时,您可以这样实现:

var feedFragment: FeedFragment? = supportFragmentManager
.findFragmentByTag(TAG_FEED_FRAGMENT) as FeedFragment

var feedFragment: FeedFragment? = supportFragmentManager
.findFragmentByTag(TAG_FEED_FRAGMENT) as FeedFragment


var feedFragment: FeedFragment? = supportFragmentManager
.findFragmentByTag(TAG_FEED_FRAGMENT) as? FeedFragment
if (feedFragment == null) {
feedFragment = FeedFragment.newInstance()
.replace(R.id.root_fragment, feedFragment, TAG_FEED_FRAGMENT)

var feedFragment: FeedFragment? = supportFragmentManager
.findFragmentByTag(TAG_FEED_FRAGMENT) as? FeedFragment
if (feedFragment == null) {
feedFragment = FeedFragment.newInstance()
.replace(R.id.root_fragment, feedFragment, TAG_FEED_FRAGMENT)

13. let 操作符


if (currentUser != null) {

//instead Kotlin
user?.let {

if (currentUser != null) {

//instead Kotlin
user?.let {

14. isNullOrEmpty | isNullOrBlank

我们需要在开发 Android 应用程序时多次验证。 如果你没有使用 Kotlin 处理这个问题,你可能已经在 Android 中发现了 TextUtils 类。

if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
// alert the user!
public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable CharSequence str) {
return str == null || str.length() == 0;

if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
// alert the user!
public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable CharSequence str) {
return str == null || str.length() == 0;

如果 name 都是空格,则 TextUtils.isEmpty 不满足使用。则 isNullorBlank 可用。

public inline fun CharSequence?.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean = this == null || this.length == 0

public inline fun CharSequence?.isNullOrBlank(): Boolean = this == null || this.isBlank()

// If we do not care about the possibility of only spaces...
if (number.isNullOrEmpty()) {
// alert the user to fill in their number!

// when we need to block the user from inputting only spaces
if (name.isNullOrBlank()) {
// alert the user to fill in their name!

public inline fun CharSequence?.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean = this == null || this.length == 0

public inline fun CharSequence?.isNullOrBlank(): Boolean = this == null || this.isBlank()

// If we do not care about the possibility of only spaces...
if (number.isNullOrEmpty()) {
// alert the user to fill in their number!

// when we need to block the user from inputting only spaces
if (name.isNullOrBlank()) {
// alert the user to fill in their name!

15. 避免 Kotlin 类的抽象方法

也是尽可能的使用 lambdas 。这样可以实现更简洁直观的代码。例如在 Java 中的点击监听为:

public interface OnClickListener {
void onClick(View v);

public interface OnClickListener {
void onClick(View v);

在 Java 中使用:

view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
// do something

view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
// do something

而在 Kotlin 中:

view.setOnClickListener { view ->
// do something

view.setOnClickListener {
// do something

view.setOnClickListener() {
// do something

view.setOnClickListener { view ->
// do something

view.setOnClickListener {
// do something

view.setOnClickListener() {
// do something

如果在 Kotlin 是使用单抽象方法的话:

view.setOnClickListener(object : OnClickListener {
override fun onClick(v: View?) {
// do things

view.setOnClickListener(object : OnClickListener {
override fun onClick(v: View?) {
// do things


private var onClickListener: ((View) -> Unit)? = null
fun setOnClickListener(listener: (view: View) -> Unit) {
onClickListener = listener

// later, to invoke

private var onClickListener: ((View) -> Unit)? = null
fun setOnClickListener(listener: (view: View) -> Unit) {
onClickListener = listener

// later, to invoke

16. with 函数

with 是一个非常有用的函数,它包含在 Kotlin 的标准库中。它接收一个对象和一个扩展函数作为它的参数,然后使这个对象扩展这个函数。这表示所有我们在括号中编写的代码都是作为对象(第一个参数) 的一个扩展函数,我们可以就像作为 this 一样使用所有它的 public 方法和属性。当我们针对同一个对象做很多操作的时候这个非常有利于简化代码。

with(helloWorldTextView) {
text = "Hello World!"
visibility = View.VISIBLE

with(helloWorldTextView) {
text = "Hello World!"
visibility = View.VISIBLE

17. Static Layout Import

Android 中最常用的代码之一是使用 findViewById() 来获取对应 View。

有一些解决方案,如 Butterknife 库,可以节省很多代码,但是 Kotlin 采取另一个步骤,允许您从一个导入的布局导入对视图的所有引用。

例如,这个 XML 布局:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


在 Activity 中:

//导入对应的 xml
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_main.*

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
tvHelloWorld.text = "Hello World!"

//导入对应的 xml
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_main.*

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
tvHelloWorld.text = "Hello World!"

18. 用 Kotlin 实现 POJO 类

在 Java 中

public class User {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;

public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;

public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;

public class User {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;

public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;

public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;

而在 Kotlin 中可以简化成:

class User {
var firstName: String? = null
var lastName: String? = null

class User {
var firstName: String? = null
var lastName: String? = null

19. 减少 AsyncTash 的使用

搭配 ​​Anko​​ lib 使用。后台和主线程的切换特别直观和简单。uiThread 在主线程上运行,并且我们不需要关心 Activity 的生命周期(pause 与 stop), 所以也不会出错了。

doAsync {
var result = expensiveCalculation()
uiThread {

doAsync {
var result = expensiveCalculation()
uiThread {

20. apply 函数

它看起来于 with 很相似,但是是有点不同之处。apply 可以避免创建 builder 的方式来使用,因为对象调用的函数可以根据自己的需要来初始化自己,然后 apply 函数会返回它同一个对象:

user = User().apply {
firstName = Double
lastName = Thunder

21. is 操作符

我们可以在运⾏时通过使⽤ is 操作符或其否定形式 !is 来检查对象是否符合给定类型:
在许多情况下,不需要在 Kotlin 中使⽤显式转换操作符,因为编译器跟踪不可变值的 is 检查,并在需要时⾃动插⼊(安全的)智能转换:

fun display(myView: View) {
//判断 myView 是否为ImageView,并自动转换
if (myView is ImageView) {
} else if (myView is TextView) {
myView.setText("Double Thunder")
fun display2(myView: View) {
when (myView) {
is ImageView -> myView.imageAlpha = 10
is TextView -> myView.text = "Double Thunder"

fun display(myView: View) {
//判断 myView 是否为ImageView,并自动转换
if (myView is ImageView) {
} else if (myView is TextView) {
myView.setText("Double Thunder")
fun display2(myView: View) {
when (myView) {
is ImageView -> myView.imageAlpha = 10
is TextView -> myView.text = "Double Thunder"

22.filterNotNull 过滤操作符。

过滤所有元素中不是 null 的元素。