
passwd - update user's authentication tokens(更新用户的身份验证令牌)


passwd [-k] [-l] [-u [-f]] [-d] [-e] [-n mindays] [-x maxdays] [-w warndays] [-i inactivedays] [-S] [--stdin] [username]

The passwd utility is used to update user's authentication token(s)(passwd实用程序用于更新用户的身份验证令牌。

This  task  is achieved through calls to the Linux-PAM and Libuser API(该任务是通过调用Linux-PAM和Libuser API来实现的).  Essentially, it initializes itself as a "passwd" service with Linux-PAM and utilizes configured password modules to authenticate and then update a user's password(本质上,它将自己初始化为一个“passwd”服务Linux-PAM和利用配置的密码模块进行身份验证,然后更新用户的密码

A simple entry in the global Linux-PAM configuration file for this service would be:



       # passwd service entry that does strength checking of

       # a proposed password before updating it.


       passwd password requisite retry=3

       passwd password required use_authtok


      Note, other module types are not required for this application to function correctly.



-k, --keep

The option -k is used to indicate that the update should only be for expired authentication tokens (passwords); the user wishes

to keep their non-expired tokens as before. 选项-k表示只更新过期的身份验证令牌(密码);用户期望像以前一样保存未过期的令牌


-l, --lock

This option is used to lock the password of specified account and it is available to root only.(该选项用于锁定指定帐户的密码,只对root有效) The locking is performed by

rendering the encrypted password into an invalid string (by prefixing the encrypted string with an !).(锁由

将加密的密码显示为无效的字符串(在加密字符串前加上!)。) Note that the account is

not fully locked - the user can still log in by other means of authentication such as the ssh public key authentication. Use

chage -E 0 user command instead for full account locking 。注意,帐户是未完全锁定—用户仍然可以通过其他认证方式登录,例如SSH公钥认证。使用

chage -E 0用户命令代替完整的帐户锁定





This option is used to indicate that passwd should read the new password from standard input, which can be a pipe(这个选项表示passwd应该从标准输入读取新密码,标准输入可以是一个管道


-u, --unlock

This is the reverse of the -l option - it will unlock the account password by removing the ! prefix. This option is available

to root only. (这与-l选项相反——它将通过删除!前缀。此选项可用

只root。)By default passwd will refuse to create a passwordless account (it will not unlock an account that has only "!"

as a password). The force option -f will override this protection(默认情况下,passwd将拒绝创建无密码帐户(它不会解锁只有"!"的帐户)。



-d, --delete

This is a quick way to delete a password for an account. It will set the named account passwordless. Available to root only.(这是一种删除账户密码的快速方法。它会将指定的帐户设置为无密码。仅限root用户使用。


-e, --expire

This is a quick way to expire a password for an account. The user will be forced to change the password during the next login

attempt. Available to root only。这是一种让账户密码过期的快速方法。用户下次登录时将被迫更改密码尝试。仅限root用户使用




-f, --force

Force the specified operation(强制执行指定的操作)

-n, --minimum DAYS

This will set the minimum password lifetime, in days, if the user's account supports password lifetimes. Available to root only.如果用户的帐户支持密码生命周期,这将设置最小密码生命周期,以天为单位。只有root可用。


-x, --maximum DAYS

This will set the maximum password lifetime, in days, if the user's account supports password lifetimes. Available to root



-w, --warning DAYS

This will set the number of days in advance the user will begin receiving warnings that her password will expire, if the user's

account supports password lifetimes. Available to root only(这将设置用户提前几天开始收到密码将过期的警告,如果用户的密码是



-i, --inactive DAYS

This will set the number of days which will pass before an expired password for this account will be taken to mean that the

account is inactive and should be disabled, if the user's account supports password lifetimes. Available to root only(这将设置该帐户密码过期前的天数,这意味着



-S, --status

This will output a short information about the status of the password for a given account. The status information consists of 7

fields. The first field is the user's login name. The second field indicates if the user account has a locked password (LK),

has no password (NP), or has a usable password (PS). The third field gives the date of the last password change. The next four

fields are the minimum age, maximum age, warning period, and inactivity period for the password. These ages are expressed in







Notes: The date of the last password change is stored as a number of days since epoch. Depending on the current time zone, the

passwd -S username may show the date of the last password change that is different from the real date of the last password

change by ±1 day(注意:最后一次更改密码的日期存储为自纪元以来的天数。根据当前时区,

passwd -S username显示的最近一次修改密码的日期可能与实际日期不同


This option is available to root only(这个选项只对root有效)

Remember the following two principles 记住以下两个原则

Protect your password 保护你的密码

Don't write down your password - memorize it. In particular, don't write it down and leave it anywhere, and don't place it in

an unencrypted file! Use unrelated passwords for systems controlled by different organizations. Don't give or share your

password, in particular to someone claiming to be from computer support or a vendor. Don't let anyone watch you enter your

password. Don't enter your password to a computer you don't trust or if things "look funny"; someone may be trying to hijack

your password. Use the password for a limited time and change it periodically(不要写下你的密码——记住它。特别是,不要把它写下来,放在任何地方,也不要把它放在任何地方





Choose a hard-to-guess password 选择一个难以猜测的密码

passwd through the calls to the pam_cracklib PAM module will try to prevent you from choosing a really bad password, but it

isn't foolproof; create your password wisely. Don't use something you'd find in a dictionary (in any language or jargon).

Don't use a name (including that of a spouse, parent, child, pet, fantasy character, famous person, and location) or any varia‐

tion of your personal or account name. Don't use accessible information about you (such as your phone number, license plate,

or social security number) or your environment. Don't use a birthday or a simple pattern (such as "qwerty", "abc", or "aaa").

Don't use any of those backwards, followed by a digit, or preceded by a digit. Instead, use a mixture of upper and lower case

letters, as well as digits or punctuation. When choosing a new password, make sure it's unrelated to any previous password.

Use long passwords (say at least 8 characters long). You might use a word pair with punctuation inserted, a passphrase (an

understandable sequence of words), or the first letter of each word in a passphrase

通过对pam_cracklib PAM模块的调用,passwd命令会试图阻止你选择一个非常糟糕的密码,但它









These principles are partially enforced by the system, but only partly so. Vigilance on your part will make the system much more

