文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)


Old meets new: ancient ‘cupping’ method boosts covid vaccines


Pressing a suction cup to the skin to boost health may sound like pseudoscience. And to some scientists, “cupping” is just that: a form of quackery akin to acupuncture and bloodletting. But researchers reporting in the journal Science Advances have applied the ancient technique to covid-19 vaccine delivery with success.

In experiments, rats were injected with pure SARS-CoV-2 DNA, which on its own quickly degrades in the body. But following up the injection with moderate suction through a plastic cup induced the skin cells to absorb the DNA, triggering an immune response 100 times stronger than injection alone. Based on these results, cupping has been incorporated into DNA-vaccine clinical trials. These matter hugely because DNA vaccines, such as India’s ZyCoV-D, do not require constant refrigeration, and so are easier to roll out in poor countries. This goes to show that scientists should take inspiration wherever they can get it; public health is no place for squeamishness.

Old meets new: ancient ‘cupping’ method boosts covid vaccines


Pressing a suction cup to the skin to boost health may sound like pseudoscience. And to some scientists, “cupping” is just that: a form of quackery akin to acupuncture and bloodletting. But researchers reporting in the journal Science Advances have applied the ancient technique to covid-19 vaccine delivery with success.

将吸盘按在皮肤上有助于健康听起来像是伪科学。对一些科学家来说,“拔罐”只是类似针灸和放血这样的一种江湖医术。但《科学进展》(Science Advances)杂志发表的文章报道,研究人员已成功将这种古老的技术应用于新冠疫苗的接种。

sound like 听起来像 

pseudoscience 伪科学;假科学 

cupping 使窝成杯状 ;  使成圆状托起 ;  cup的现在分词 

quackery 江湖医术 ;  庸医行径 

acupuncture 针灸 ;  针刺疗法 

bloodletting 杀戮 ;  伤害 ;  放血疗法 

vaccine 疫苗 ;  菌苗 ;  牛痘的 ;  预防疫苗的 ;  种痘的

In experiments, rats were injected with pure SARS-CoV-2 DNA, which on its own quickly degrades in the body. But following up the injection with moderate suction through a plastic cup induced the skin cells to absorb the DNA, triggering an immune response 100 times stronger than injection alone. Based on these results, cupping has been incorporated into DNA-vaccine clinical trials. These matter hugely because DNA vaccines, such as India’s ZyCoV-D, do not require constant refrigeration, and so are easier to roll out in poor countries. This goes to show that scientists should take inspiration wherever they can get it; public health is no place for squeamishness.


injected 注射 ;  添加,增加 ;  inject的过去分词和过去式 

DNA (= deoxyribonucleic acid) 脱氧核糖核酸 

degrades 降低…身份 ;  侮辱…的人格 ;  使受屈辱 ;  退化,降解 ;  分解 ;  降低,削弱 ;  degrade的第三人称单数 

moderate 适度的 ;  中等的 ;  温和的 ;  不激烈的 ;  不偏激的 ;  适中的 ;  合理的 ;  缓和 ;  使适中 ;  审核评分 ;  主持 ;  持温和观点者 

suction 吸 ;  抽吸 ;  吸出 

induced 劝说 ;  诱使 ;  引起 ;  导致 ;  引产 ;  催生 ;  induce的过去分词和过去式 

absorb 吸收 ;  使并入 ;  吞并 ;  同化 ;  理解 ;  掌握 

triggering 发动 ;  引起 ;  触发 ;  开动 ;  起动 ;  trigger的现在分词 

immune response 免疫应答

Based on 以……为基础;在……基础上,以……为依据 

clinical trials 临床试验 ;  clinical trial的复数 

get it 懂得

public health 公共卫生;公共卫生设施

be no place for sth表示“...绝不允许.../某物在....是不可接受的”




mouse、mice 指的是小鼠(mice是mouse的复数形式),学名Mus musculus。

rat 指的是大鼠,学名Rattus norvegicus。






Follow up 类似译文:

They follow up their March show with four UK dates next month.  他们在三月演出以后,就是下个月在英国的四场演出。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》







