% % An example of rapidly-exploring random trees and path planning in 2-D
% % Ref: "Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees: A New Tool for Path Planning",
% % Steven M. LaValle, 1998
% Code can also be converted to function with input format
% [tree, path] = RRT(K, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, xInit, yInit, xGoal, yGoal, thresh)
% K is the number of iterations desired.
% xMin and xMax are the minimum and maximum values of x
% yMin and yMax are the minimum and maximum values of y
% xInit and yInit is the starting point of the algorithm
% xGoal and yGoal are the desired endpoints
% thresh is the allowed threshold distance between a random point the the
% goal point.
% Output is the tree structure containing X and Y vertices and the path
% found obtained from Init to Goal
% Written by: Omkar Halbe, Technical University of Munich, 31.10.2015
%~~~~ clear all; close all;
xMin=0; xMax=100;
yMin=0; yMax=100;xInit=0; yInit=0; %initial point for planner
xGoal=100; yGoal=100; %goal for planner
thresh=5; %acceptable threshold for solution tree.vertex(1).x = xInit;
tree.vertex(1).y = yInit;
tree.vertex(1).xPrev = xInit;
tree.vertex(1).yPrev = yInit;
tree.vertex(1).ind = 1; tree.vertex(1).indPrev = 0;xArray=xInit; yArray = yInit;
figure(1); hold on; grid on;
plot(xInit, yInit, 'ko', 'MarkerSize',10, 'MarkerFaceColor','k');
plot(xGoal, yGoal, 'go', 'MarkerSize',10, 'MarkerFaceColor','g');for iter = 2:K
xRand = (xMax-xMin)*rand;
yRand = (yMax-yMin)*rand;
dist = Inf*ones(1,length(tree.vertex));
for j = 1:length(tree.vertex)
dist(j) = sqrt( (xRand-tree.vertex(j).x)^2 + (yRand-tree.vertex(j).y)^2 );
[val, ind] = min(dist);

tree.vertex(iter).x = xRand; tree.vertex(iter).y = yRand;
tree.vertex(iter).dist = val;
tree.vertex(iter).xPrev = tree.vertex(ind).x;
tree.vertex(iter).yPrev = tree.vertex(ind).y;
tree.vertex(iter).ind = iter; tree.vertex(iter).indPrev = ind;

if sqrt( (xRand-xGoal)^2 + (yRand-yGoal)^2 ) <= thresh
plot([tree.vertex(iter).x; tree.vertex(ind).x],[tree.vertex(iter).y; tree.vertex(ind).y], 'r');

plot([tree.vertex(iter).x; tree.vertex(ind).x],[tree.vertex(iter).y; tree.vertex(ind).y], 'r');
endif iter < K
path.pos(1).x = xGoal; path.pos(1).y = yGoal;
path.pos(2).x = tree.vertex(end).x; path.pos(2).y = tree.vertex(end).y;
pathIndex = tree.vertex(end).indPrev; j=0;
while 1
path.pos(j+3).x = tree.vertex(pathIndex).x;
path.pos(j+3).y = tree.vertex(pathIndex).y;
pathIndex = tree.vertex(pathIndex).indPrev;
if pathIndex == 1
end path.pos(end+1).x = xInit; path.pos(end).y = yInit;
for j = 2:length(path.pos)
plot([path.pos(j).x; path.pos(j-1).x;], [path.pos(j).y; path.pos(j-1).y], 'b', 'Linewidth', 3);
% plot([tree.vertex(i).x; tree.vertex(ind).x],[tree.vertex(i).y; tree.vertex(ind).y], 'r');
% pause(0);
disp('No path found. Increase number of iterations and retry.');