





时间上空时通过在发送端采用空时码实现: 空时分组、空时格码,分层空时码。



function tx(nr_frames)
% Transmission
% Maxime Maury
% 05-04-28if (nargin < 1)
nr_frames = 20; % number of frames to send
end% Frame structure Type SYNC
% Antenna 1:
% +---+----------+-----+---+-----+-----------------------------+
% | G | tr_sync1 | tr1 | G | tr1 | data |
% +---+----------+-----+---+-----+-----------------------------+
% Antenna 2:
% +---+----------+-----+---+-----+-----------------------------+
% | G | tr_sync1 | tr2 | G | tr2 | data |
% +---+----------+-----+---+-----+-----------------------------+% Antenna 1: Type REGULAR
% +---+-----+---+-----+-----------------------------+
% | G | tr1 | G | tr1 | data |
% +---+-----+---+-----+-----------------------------+
% Antenna 2:
% +---+-----+---+-----+-----------------------------+
% | G | tr2 | G | tr2 | data |
% +---+-----+---+-----+-----------------------------+close all
disp(' ');
disp('-- Start TX --')j = sqrt(-1);
% ---------------------------------------------------
% General parameters
% ---------------------------------------------------Fs = 96000; % Sampling frequency (Hz)
Fc = 10000; % Carrier frequency (Hz)
L = 10; % Upsampling factor% Simulate a Frequency offset
F_offset = 0; % In real frequency
Fc_tx = Fc + F_offset;%nr_frames =100;
data_len = 256; % In symbolS
data_len_bits = data_len*4; % In bits% ---------------------------------------------------
% Pulse shape
% ---------------------------------------------------pulse = 1;
if (pulse==1)
roll_off_factor = .22;
half_filter_len = 7; % Half-Length of the RRC
pulse_shape = root_raised_cosine(L, roll_off_factor, half_filter_len);
pulse_shape = ones(1,L);
endpulse_len = length(pulse_shape);
% ---------------------------------------------------
% Head & tail
% ---------------------------------------------------% Add a zero signal for noise estimation
init_len = 500;% Add a zero tail
tail_len = 2000;% Sinusoid at 10kHz for frequency offset estimation
n_periods = 100;
time_end = floor(n_periods*Fs/Fc_tx) -1 ;
% Stops just before cos = 1 to avoid discontinuities in the signal;打dota,看出装
% (modulation of frames start with cos=1)% ---------------------------------------------------
% Guard symbols
% ---------------------------------------------------% Guard symbols
guard_symbols_I = ones(1, 1);
guard_symbols_Q = ones(1, 1);
guard_len = length(guard_symbols_I);% ---------------------------------------------------
% Training sequence
% ---------------------------------------------------% Training sequence
[tr_sync1_I, tr_sync1_Q, tr1_I, tr1_Q, tr2_I, tr2_Q] = training_sequence;% Length of channel estimation training sequence
training_len = length(tr1_I);% ---------------------------------------------------
% Framing
% ---------------------------------------------------% Length of synchronization training sequence
training_s_len = length(tr_sync1_I);% Length of a regular frame in symbols (before upsampling)
frame_len = guard_len + training_len + guard_len + training_len + data_len;
overhead_len = frame_len - data_len;disp(['Overhead size (Regular): ', num2str(overhead_len/frame_len*100), '%']);
disp(['Overhead size (Sync): ', num2str((overhead_len+training_s_len)/frame_len*100), '%']);% Synchronization every refresh_fr frames
refresh_fr = 4;
nr_sync_frames = floor((nr_frames-1)/refresh_fr) + 1;
nr_regular_frames = nr_frames - nr_sync_frames;disp(['Number of regular frames: ', num2str(nr_regular_frames)]);
disp(['Number of sync frames: ', num2str(nr_sync_frames)]);% Length of an upsampled frame pulse-shaped
Lf = frame_len * L + pulse_len - 1 ;
Lf_sync = Lf + training_s_len*L ;frames_len = Lf*nr_frames + training_s_len*L*nr_sync_frames;
% Save all these parameters into tx_param for the receiver
save('tx_param');% ---------------------------------------------------
% Data
% ---------------------------------------------------% Generate random data stream
data_sent = random_data(data_len_bits*2*nr_frames);% For testing, de-comment the following
% data_sent(1:2:end) = [ zeros(1,data_len*2*nr_frames), ones(1,data_len*2*nr_frames)];
% data_sent(2:2:end) = [ ones(1,data_len*2*nr_frames), zeros(1,data_len*2*nr_frames)];% Serial To Parallel
% 1 2 3 4 5... -> [1 3 5 ...; 2 4 ...]
data_split_sent_1 = data_sent(1:2:end);
data_split_sent_2 = data_sent(2:2:end);% channel1 sent to Antenna 1, channel2 sent to Antenna 2
channel1_block = zeros(1 , frames_len);
channel2_block = zeros(1 , frames_len); % ---------------------------------------------------
% Frame Loop
% ---------------------------------------------------% Proceeed frame by frame
for fr=1:nr_frames

k = 1 + (fr-1)* data_len_bits; % Position within the data bits

% Extract data
data_split_1 = data_split_sent_1(:,k:k+data_len_bits-1);
data_split_2 = data_split_sent_2(:,k:k+data_len_bits-1);

% Modulate the data in 16QAM
[data1_I,data1_Q] = qam16(data_split_1);
[data2_I,data2_Q] = qam16(data_split_2); % Create the frame
if (mod(fr-1, refresh_fr) == 0) % Type SYNCH
frame1_I = [guard_symbols_I tr_sync1_I tr1_I guard_symbols_I tr1_I data1_I];
frame1_Q = [guard_symbols_Q tr_sync1_Q tr1_Q guard_symbols_Q tr1_Q data1_Q];
frame2_I = [guard_symbols_I tr_sync1_I tr2_I guard_symbols_I tr2_I data2_I];
frame2_Q = [guard_symbols_Q tr_sync1_Q tr2_Q guard_symbols_Q tr2_Q data2_Q];
actual_len = Lf_sync;
else % Type REGULAR
frame1_I = [guard_symbols_I tr1_I guard_symbols_I tr1_I data1_I];
frame1_Q = [guard_symbols_Q tr1_Q guard_symbols_Q tr1_Q data1_Q];
frame2_I = [guard_symbols_I tr2_I guard_symbols_I tr2_I data2_I];
frame2_Q = [guard_symbols_Q tr2_Q guard_symbols_Q tr2_Q data2_Q];
actual_len = Lf;

% Upsample
frame1_I_up = upsample(frame1_I,L);
frame1_Q_up = upsample(frame1_Q,L);
frame2_I_up = upsample(frame2_I,L);
frame2_Q_up = upsample(frame2_Q,L); frame1_I_up = conv(frame1_I_up, pulse_shape);
frame1_Q_up = conv(frame1_Q_up, pulse_shape);
frame2_I_up = conv(frame2_I_up, pulse_shape);
frame2_Q_up = conv(frame2_Q_up, pulse_shape);

% Number of previous frames
n_fr_sync = floor((fr-2)/refresh_fr) + 1;
n_fr_reg = (fr-1) - n_fr_sync; n_out = n_fr_reg * Lf + n_fr_sync * Lf_sync + 1;

s = 1;
e = s + actual_len - 1;

channel1_block(n_out:n_out+actual_len-1) = frame1_I_up(s:e) + j* frame1_Q_up(s:e);
channel2_block(n_out:n_out+actual_len-1) = frame2_I_up(s:e) + j* frame2_Q_up(s:e);

end% Save the output of the TX
save('TXOutput','channel1_block','channel2_block');% Save data sent
f_id = fopen('transmit.dat', 'wb');
fwrite(f_id, data_sent, 'int16');
Nc = 2;
Nr = 2;
hold on;
grid on;
axis([-4 4 -4 4])
axis equal
legend('Data','Guard','Sync training seq','Ch estim. trainin seq');
title('Pulse Shape Spectrum');subplot(Nc,Nr,3)
hold on;
title('Channel 1');subplot(Nc,Nr,4)
title('Spectrum of Channel 1'); figure;
Nc = 2;
Nr = 1;subplot(Nc,Nr,1)
autocorr1 = abs(xcorr(tr_sync1_I+sqrt(-1)*tr_sync1_Q));
plot( autocorr1 );
hold on;
title('Autocorrelation of synchronization training sequence 1');subplot(Nc,Nr,2)
cross = abs(xcorr((tr1_I+sqrt(-1)*tr1_Q),(tr2_I+sqrt(-1)*tr2_Q)));
title('Crosscorrelation of training sequence 1 and 2');
hold on;