
1.1 创建进程

#include <stdlib.h>  //Standard library definitions 
#include <unistd.h> //Standard symbolic constants and types

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pid_t pid; //Define a variable.
pid=fork(); //Create a new process.
if(pid==0) //Child process
printf("I'm the child.\n"); //Display a message.
else if(pid>0) //parent process
printf("I'm the parent.\n"); //Display a message.
perror("fork"); //Call fork() failed.
exit(1); //Exit function.
printf("call fork success!\n"); //Display a success message.
exit(0); //Exit function.

2. 在当前目录下执行:
gcc -o fork fork.c
期望:1. 步骤2后,终端输出:
I'm the parent.
call fork success!
#I'm the child.
call fork success! 1.2终止进程
1. 创建文件exit.c,文件内容如下:
#include <stdio.h> //Standard buffered input/output
#include <stdlib.h> //Standard library definitions
#include <unistd.h> //Standard symbolic constants and types

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ pid_t pid; //Define a variable.
printf("Just 1 process now.\n");
printf("Calling fork()...\n");
pid=fork(); //Create a new process.
if(pid==0) //Child process
printf("I'm the child.\n"); //Display a message.
execl("/bin/ls","ls","-l","exit01.c",0); //Calling exec()
perror("exec"); //Give a error message.
exit(1); //Child process terminate, and the status'value is returned to the parent.
else if(pid>0) //parent process
wait(0); //Wait the child process terminated.
printf("I'm the parent.\n"); //Display a message.
perror("fork"); //Call fork() failed.
exit(1); //Exit function.
printf("Calling fork() success!\n"); //Display a success message.
exit(0); //Exit function.

2. 在当前目录下执行:
gcc -o exit exit.c
Just 1 process now.
Calling fork()...
I'm the child.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1068 2005-11-08 exit01.c #需要文件先存在,不然会报无法访问
I'm the parent.
Calling fork() success! 2、锁住全部地址空间
#include <stdio.h> //Standard buffered input/output
#include <stdlib.h> //Standard library definitions
#include <errno.h> //System error numbers.
#include <sys/mman.h> //memory management declarations

int main()
int ret; //Define variable
ret=mlockall(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE); //Calling mlockall() to lock pages
printf("calling mlockall() success.\n"); //Display a success message.
if(munlockall()==0) //Calling munlockal() to unlock pages
printf("calling munlockall() success.\n"); //Display a success message.
}else {
perror("munlockall"); //Give a error message.
exit(1); //Exit function
else {
perror("mlockall"); //Give a error message.
exit(1); //Exit function
2. 在当前目录下执行:
gcc -o lockall lockall.c
期望:1. 步骤2后,终端显示:
calling mlockall() success.
calling munlockall() success.
1. 打开终端,执行命令
#rpm -qa |grep http 期望:1. 显示 安装了以下软件包(或类似包):
1. 在终端下执行命令
# service httpd start / stop / restart 等
2. 在终端下执行命令
# service httpd status
3.2 SSH服务-验证1. root用户在系统的字符终端下执行命令
service sshd start / stop / restart 等
2. 使用同一局域网主机,终端执行命令:
ssh root@server-ip
期望:1. 步骤1后,终端显示启动服务成功
2. 步骤2后,登入server端,字符终端切换为server主机3.3 NFS服务-搭建NFS服务器
#service nfs restart / stop / restart 等 停止nfs服务,终端执行命令:
/etc/init.d/nfs stop