摘  要



数据要被工作人员通过界面操作传输至数据库中。通过研究,以MySQL为后端数据库,以JAVA为前端技术,以IDEA为开发平台,采用SPRING BOOT架构,建立一个提供系统首页,个人中心,玩家管理,游戏分类管理,道具种类管理,游戏道具管理,战绩信息管理,水平评估管理,系统管理等必要功能的、稳定的使命召唤游戏助手系统。

关键词:使命召唤游戏助手;SPRING BOOT框架;MySQL数据库



In recent years, with the vigorous development of the Internet, game companies have put forward higher requirements for information management. The traditional way of management can no longer meet the needs of modern people. In order to meet the needs of The Times and optimize management efficiency, a variety of management systems emerge at the historic moment. With the continuous development of various industries, the construction of Call of Duty game assistant has gradually entered the process of informatization.

The design of this system mainly includes the design of the system page and the back-end database which is convenient for users to interact with, and the development of the front-end software needs good data processing ability, friendly interface and easy-to-use functions.

The data should be transferred to the database by the staff through the interface operation. Through the research, with MySQL as the back-end database, JAVA as the front-end technology, IDEA as the development platform, SPRING BOOT architecture is adopted to establish a system that provides home page, personal center, player management, game classification management, props category management, game props management, record information management, level evaluation management. System management and other necessary functions, stable Call of Duty game assistant.

Key words: Call of Duty Game Assistant; SPRING BOOT framework; MySQL database

目 录

1 绪  论 1

1.1开发背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状和发展趋势综述 1

1.3开发设计的意义及研究方向 1

2 系统开发技术 3

2.1 JAVA编程语言 3

2.2 springboot框架 3

2.3 IDEA介绍 4

2.4 B/S架构 4

2.5 MySQL数据库介绍 4

2.6 微服务架构 5

2.7微服务架构的优势 5

3系统分析 6

3.1整体分析 6

3.2功能需求分析 6

3.3 系统可行性分析 7

3.3.1技术可行性 7

3.3.2经济可行性 8

3.3.3操作可行性 8

3.4系统流程分析 8

3.4.1操作流程 8

3.4.2添加信息流程 9

3.4.3删除信息流程 10

4 系统设计 11

4.1 系统体系结构 11

4.2 系统总功能结构设计 12

4.3 数据库设计 12

4.4 数据表 14

5 系统详细设计 19

5.1 小程序端(玩家功能) 19

5.2管理员模块功能 21

6  系统测试 26

6.1 运行环境 26

6.1.1软件平台 26

6.1.2 硬件平台 26

6.2 测试过程 26

6.2.1 界面测试 26

6.2.2 功能测试 26

6.2.3系统的测试环境 27

结  论 28

参考文献 29

致  谢 30


本文从使命召唤游戏助手的实际需要出发,为降低系统的耦合性,采用SPRING BOOT框架集完成了系统总体架构的设计,以提高系统的重用性、可适用性及可维护性。



