摘  要








With the deepening of scientific research, all kinds of information about home maintenance is also growing exponentially. Facing the huge amount of information, it is necessary to have on-site maintenance system to improve the efficiency of management work. Through such a system, we can achieve the standard management of information and fast query, thus reducing the workload of management.

The on-site maintenance system based on wechat mini program is established to further improve users' query of on-site maintenance information. Help users and managers to improve work efficiency and realize the automation of information query. Using this system can easily and quickly provide users with the on-site maintenance information they want to get.

According to the basic design idea of the system, the system in the design aspect of the foreground using java technology for basic page design, background database using MySQL. The realization of this system lays a foundation for the operation of the on-site maintenance system and provides good conditions for on-site maintenance.

Finally, through demand analysis, testing and adjustment, combined with the actual needs of on-site maintenance, we designed and realized the on-site maintenance system based on wechat mini program.

Key words: on-site maintenance; java; MySQL database


目  录

第1章 概述 6

1.1课题研究背景 6

1.2课题研究意义 6

1.3前期工作 7

1.4本文的组织结构 7

第2章开发技术 8

2.1 微服务架构 8

2.2 微服务架构的优势 8

2.3 JAVA语言 8

2.4 springboot框架 9

2.5 MYSQL数据库技术 9

2.6 B/S结构简介 10

第3章 系统分析 11

3.1系统总体分析 11

3.2可行性分析 11

3.3系统功能分析 12

3.4系统流程分析 14

3.4.1 登录流程 14

3.4.2 添加信息流程 14

3.4.3 修改信息流程 15

第4章 系统设计 16

4.1系统功能设计 16

4.2数据库的设计 16

4.2.1数据库E-R图 17

4.2.2数据库表 19

第5章 系统实现 28

5.1小程序前台实现 28

5.2后台管理员模块实现 31

第6章系统测试 35

6.1系统测试的重要性 35

6.2性能测试 35

6.3用户模块测试 35

总结与展望 37

参考文献 38

致    谢 39









