摘    要







With the development of the Internet era, traditional management technology has been unable to manage information efficiently and conveniently. In order to meet the needs of The Times and optimize management efficiency, a variety of management systems emerge at the historic moment. With the continuous development of various industries, the construction of XX campus communication APP has gradually entered the process of informatization.

The design of this App mainly includes the design of the front page and the back-end database which is convenient for users to interact with, while the development of the front-end software requires good data processing ability, friendly interface and easy-to-use functions.

The data should be transferred to the database by the staff through the interface operation. Through the study, MVP structure design is adopted, Java development language is used for development, ssm architecture and MySQL database is used for design and development. Establish a stable XX campus communication APP that provides necessary functions such as personal information modification, user management, type management, entertainment world management, complaint and report management, learning platform, my collection management, system management, etc.

Key words: XX campus communication; SSM architecture; MySQL database;  

目    录

1  概    述 1

1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.2 课题研究意义 1

1.3 课题研究内容 2

2  系统开发技术 3

2.1 Android平台的架构 3

2.2 ssm框架 4

2.3 MySQL数据库 4

2.4 B/S结构 4

2.5 Tomcat服务器 5

3  系统需求分析 6

2.1 可行性分析 6

3.2 功能需求分析 7

3.3 系统流程分析 8

3.3.1系统开发流程图: 8

3.3.2管理员模块总体流程图: 9

3.3.3我的收藏管理流程图: 9

4  系统设计 11

4.1 功能模块设计 11

4.2 系统数据库设计 12

4.2.1 数据库系统 12

4.2.2 数据库概念设计 12

4.2.3 数据表设计 14

4.2.4 数据表的建立 14

5  系统实现 19

5.1 App前台功能的实现 19

5.1.1系统登录注册界面的实现 19

5.1.2系统首页功能的实现 20

5.1.3我的 21

5.2 APP后台管理员的实现 21

6  系统测试 26

6.1 测试的目的和目标 26

6.2 测试内容 26

6.2.1登录测试 26

6.2.2信息修改测试 27

6.3 测试评价 29

结    论 30

致    谢 31

参 考 文 献 32



(1) 系统管理员主要对用户管理、类型管理、娱乐天地管理、投诉举报管理、学习平台、我的收藏管理、系统管理等功能进行管理。

(2) 用户进入APP可以查看首页、校园公告、学习平台、地图等信息,在我的页面可以对个人中心、娱乐天地、投诉举报、我的收藏管理、我要发贴和我的发贴进行详细操作。、、



