摘    要







This study aims to develop a complete online examination system to meet the needs of different user roles (administrators, teachers, students), and improve the technology application level and teaching management efficiency of campus education through reasonable and efficient examination management, communication and discussion functions. This study first determined the core functions and operational processes of the system through requirement analysis, developed the system using Java technology and SSM framework, and managed the data using the MySQL database. System design includes structural design, functional design and database design to ensure the intuition of system operation and the security of data processing.

In the process of implementation, modular development is carried out for different user functions, such as the administrator's information management function, teacher's test questions and score management function, students' online examination and score query function. In the system testing stage, various testing methods are adopted to ensure the correctness and stability of the function and enhance the availability and reliability of the system.

The results show that the online examination system has perfect function and good user interface, which can effectively improve the level of teaching management and the degree of automation of examination work. In short, the design and implementation of this system confirms the practicability and effectiveness of modern educational technology in the campus network environment, and is expected to play an important role in improving the quality and efficiency of education.

Keywords:Campus network; Exam paper management; SSM; Online exams


目    录

1  绪论 1

1.1  课题研究的背景 1

1.2  课题研究的意义 2

1.3  国内外研究现状 3

1.3.1  国内现状 3

1.3.2  国外现状 3

1.4  系统研究内容 4

2  系统开发技术 5

2.1  Java技术 5

2.2  SSM框架 5

2.3  MySQL数据库 6

3  需求分析 7

3.1  可行性分析 7

3.1.1  经济可行性 7

3.1.2  技术可行性 7

3.1.3  操作可行性 7

3.1.4  时间可行性 7

3.2  功能性需求分析 7

3.2.1  管理员用户需求分析 8

3.2.2  老师用户需求分析 9

3.2.3  学生用户需求分析 10

4  系统设计 12

4.1  系统结构设计 12

4.2  系统功能设计 12

4.3  数据库设计 13

4.3.1  E-R图 13

4.3.2  数据库结构 14

5  系统实现 21

5.1  管理员端功能实现 21

5.1.2  老师信息管理功能 21

5.1.3  学生信息管理功能 22

5.1.4  公告信息管理功能 23

5.1.5  交流讨论管理功能 24

5.2  老师端功能实现 25

5.2.1  试题管理功能 25

5.2.2  试卷管理功能 25

5.2.3  试卷考题管理功能 26

5.2.4  考试成绩信息管理功能 27

5.3  学生端功能实现 28

5.3.1  前台首页界面 28

5.3.2  在线交流 29

5.3.3  个人信息维护 29

5.3.4  在线考试功能 30

5.3.5  我的考试成绩功能 30

6  系统测试 31

6.1  概述 31

6.2  测试方法 31

6.3  系统功能测试 31

6.3.1  登录测试 31

6.3.2  修改密码模块测试 32

6.3.3  删除学生模块测试 32

6.3.4  考试模块测试 33

6.4  测试结果 33




结论 35

致谢 36

参考文献 37





