





The tourism management system based on the Spring Boot framework adopts advanced data storage technology to quickly disseminate tourism information through the Internet and provide high-quality services to tourists. This system helps to solve the current problem of low efficiency in tourism management and improve the economic benefits of tourism. During the system development process, Java and MySQL database technologies were used. Firstly, set up a development environment, create a software directory, and then use Java for backend development, while selecting MySQL for data storage in the database. In the backend development, the SpringBoot framework was chosen, which integrates Spring's control inversion and aspect oriented programming features, making the code more concise and efficient. Meanwhile, SpringMVC separates controllers, model objects, dispatchers, and handler objects, making the system structure clearer. In addition, the MyBatis persistence layer framework is also used to map records in the database through simple XML or annotation methods.

The main functions of the system include attraction management and reservation services. At the front desk, users can register as members, log in to their accounts, view attraction information, choose travel routes, and book attraction tickets. These functions are all based on powerful backend management systems, providing users with convenient and reliable tourism services through efficient data processing and storage technology.

Keywords: travel, MySQL, springboot, ticket booking, travel itinerary


目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

1 概述 5

1.1 选题背景 5

1.2 选题意义 5

1.3 国内外研究现状 5

1.4 课题内容 6

2 技术介绍 7

2.1 Java语言 7

2.2 MySQL数据库 7

2.3 springboot技术 8

3 系统需求分析 10

3.1可行性研究 10

3.1.1操作可行性 10

3.1.2经济可行性 10

3.1.3技术可行性 10

3.2需求分析 10

3.2.1用户用例 10

3.2.3管理员用例 11

3.3非功能需求分析 12

3.3系统流程分析 13

4 系统设计 16

4.1系统功能设计 16

4.1.1前台功能设计 16

4.1.2网站后台功能设计 17

4.2 数据库设计 17

4.2.1 E-R图设计 18

4.2.2 数据表设计 19

5 系统实现 27

5.1 前台功能实现 27

5.1.1系统首页 27

5.1.2 景点信息查看 28

5.1.3 旅游反馈查看 29

5.1.4 旅游线路信息查看 29

5.1.5 景点评价 30

5.2 后台模块实现 31

5.2.1 后台登录 31

5.2.2 后台主界面 32

5.2.3 景点管理的实现 33

5.2.4 旅游线路管理的实现 33

5.2.5 景点预定管理的实现 34

6 系统测试 36

6.1 测试环境 36

6.2 测试内容 37

6.3 测试结论 39

7 总结 41

致  谢 42

参考文献 43





