

select '汇报单号' = t2.FBillNo,
'输入人员' = (select FName from t_User where FUserID = t2.FBillerID),
'审核人员' = (select FName from t_User where FUserID = t2.FCheckerID),
'汇报车间' = (select FName from t_Department where FItemID = t2.FWorkShop),
'实际开工时间' = convert(varchar(10),t1.FWorkStartDate,120),
'实际完工时间' = convert(varchar(10),t1.FWorkEndDate,120),
'本次实作数量' = t1.FQtyFinish,
'本次遗失数量' = t1.FQtyLoss,
'本次合格数量' = t1.FQtyPass,
'本次因工报废数' = t1.FQtyScrap,
'本次因料报废数' = t1.FQtyForItem,
'工单号' = t1.FSourceBillNo,
'物料号码' = t3.FNumber,
'物料名称' = t3.FName,
'规格型号' = t3.FModel,
'工单数量' = t4.FQty,
'单位' = ( select FName from t_MeasureUnit where FMeasureUnitID = t4.FUnitID),
'批次' = t4.FGMPBatchNo,
'工单状态' = (case t4.FStatus when 0 then '计划' when 3 then '结案' when 5 then '确认' else '下达' end),
'派工车间' = (select FName from t_Department where FItemID = t4.FWorkShop),
'计划开工时间' = convert(varchar(10),t4.FPlanCommitDate,120),
'计划完工时间' = convert(varchar(10),t4.FPlanFinishDate,120),
'累计实做数' = t4.FQtyFinish,
'累计遗失数' = t4.FQtyLost,
'累计因工报废数' = t4.FQtyScrap,
'累计因料报废数' = t4.FQtyForItem,
'累计合格数' = t4.FQtyPass,
'累计入库数' = t4.FStockQty
from IcmoRptEntry t1, IcmoRpt t2 ,t_ICItem t3,Icmo t4
t2.FCheckDate between '********' and '########'
and (t1.FSourceBillNo like '%@FSourceBillNo@%' or isnull('@FSourceBillNo@','')='')
and (t2.FWorkShop in (select FItemID from t_Department where FName like '%@DeptName@%') or isnull('@DeptName@','') = '')
and t1.FInterID = t2.FInterID
and t1.FSourceInterID=t4.FInterId
and t3.FItemID = t4.FItemID
and t1.FSourcetrantype=85
and t4.FTrantype=85
and t2.FStatus > 0
order by t2.FBillNo