1 问题现象:
如果LOAD失败,导致表处于Load Pending状态,表无法继续访问;
SQL0668N Operation not allowed for reason code X on table table-name.
解释:ReasonCode(RC)=3 The table is in the Load Pending state. A previous LOAD attempt on this table resulted in failure. No access to the table is allowed until the LOAD operation is restarted or terminated.

2 问题解决:
通过如下语句,解除LOAD Pending状态

db2 "select varchar(tabschema,30),varchar(tabname,30) LOAD_STATUS from sysibmadm.admintabinfo where LOAD_STATUS='PENDING'"
db2 "load from <inputfilename> of DEL load terminate或者load restart into <tabname >"
