针对company 数据库提问:

Which employee works the longest hours each week?

select max(hourspweek) from employees ;
select * from employees where hourspweek = 60;

What is the family name of the manager of the Sales department?
​​​select familyname from employees where tfn = (select manager from departments where name = 'Sales' );​

How many hours per week does each employee spend in each department?

6 添加约束


-- COMP3311 Prac 03 Exercise
-- Schema for Company Database

-- The first part of the exercise simply involved re-ordering the
-- data in the data.sql file so that tables were inserted in an
-- order such that there would never be references to keys that
-- were not already inserted into the database.
-- Valid orders for populating tables:
-- Employee, Department, Mission, WorksFor
-- Employee, Department, WorksFor, Mission

-- The second part of the exercise required addition of constraints
-- to the original schema. One possible solution for this is given
-- below.

create table Employees (
tfn char(11)
constraint ValidTFN
check (tfn ~ '[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}'),
givenName varchar(30) not null, -- must have a given name
familyName varchar(30), -- some people have only one name
hoursPweek float
constraint ValidHPW
check (hoursPweek >= 0 and hoursPweek <= 168), --7*24
primary key (tfn)

create table Departments (
id char(3) -- [[:digit:]] == [0-9]
constraint ValidDeptId check (id ~ '[[:digit:]]{3}'),
name varchar(100) unique,
manager char(11)
constraint ValidEmployee references Employees(tfn),
primary key (id)

create table DeptMissions (
department char(3)
constraint ValidDepartment references Departments(id),
keyword varchar(20),
primary key (department,keyword)

create table WorksFor (
employee char(11)
constraint ValidEmployee references Employees(tfn),
department char(3)
constraint ValidDepartment references Departments(id),
percentage float
constraint ValidPercentage
check (percentage >= 0.0 and percentage <= 100.0),
primary key (employee,department)