
  • Java的String、C++的std::string以及Python3的str类型都只是定宽字符序列
  • Go语言的字符串是一个用UTF-8编码的变宽字符序列,它的每一个字符都用一个或多个字节表示



  • 双引号用来创建可解析的字符串字面量(支持转义,但不能用来引用多行)
  • 反引号用来创建原生的字符串字面量,这些字符串可能由多行组成(不支持任何转义序列),原生的字符串字面量多用于书写多行消息、HTML以及正则表达式

而单引号则用于表示Golang的一个特殊类型:​​rune​​​,类似其他语言的​​byte​​但又不完全一样,是指:码点字面量(Unicode code point),不做任何转义的原始内容。


There are two forms: raw string literals and interpreted string literals.

  • Raw string literals are character sequences between back quotes, as in​​foo ​​.
  • Interpreted string literals are character sequences between double quotes, as in “bar”.

A rune literal represents a rune constant, an integer value identifying a Unicode code point. A rune literal is expressed as one or more characters enclosed in single quotes, as in ‘x’ or ‘\n’. Within the quotes, any character may appear except newline and unescaped single quote. A single quoted character represents the Unicode value of the character itself, while multi-character sequences beginning with a backslash encode values in various formats.


根据我找到的资料以及碰到的情况来看, Go语言的单引号一般用来表示「rune literal」 ,即——码点字面量。

