Ansible is an open-source automation tool that allows users to automate the configuration, deployment, and management of their IT infrastructure. One of the key features of Ansible is its use of modules, which are small programs that can be executed on remote machines to perform various tasks. These modules provide the building blocks for creating complex automation workflows and can be used to manage a wide range of technologies, from servers to networking devices to cloud services.

Ansible comes with a wide range of modules out of the box, known as "core modules", that can be used to perform common tasks such as file management, package installation, and service configuration. These core modules cover a broad range of use cases and are constantly being updated and expanded by the Ansible community.

In addition to core modules, Ansible also supports custom modules, which are user-created modules that can be used to extend Ansible's functionality to meet specific requirements. These custom modules can be written in any programming language supported by Ansible, such as Python or Ruby, and can be shared with the community through Ansible's module library.

Furthermore, Ansible also supports the use of "all modules", which are modules that can be used to execute a task on all hosts in an inventory file. This can be useful for performing tasks that need to be executed on multiple hosts simultaneously, such as rolling out software updates or running security scans.

The use of all modules in Ansible allows users to streamline their automation workflows and save time by executing tasks in parallel across multiple hosts. This can significantly reduce the time and effort required to manage large-scale IT infrastructure and ensure that configurations are consistent across all hosts.

Overall, Ansible's support for all modules, along with its extensive library of core and custom modules, makes it a powerful tool for automating IT operations. By leveraging Ansible's modules, users can easily automate routine tasks, reduce the risk of human error, and improve the efficiency and reliability of their IT infrastructure. Ansible's modules are the building blocks that allow users to create complex automation workflows that can scale to meet the needs of any organization.