Ansible 2.4 Inventory

Ansible is a powerful open-source automation tool used for configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. One of the key components of Ansible is Inventory, which is a list of all the hosts that Ansible manages. In Ansible 2.4, there have been significant updates and improvements to inventory management, making it easier and more efficient for users to manage their hosts.

One of the key features of Ansible 2.4 inventory is the ability to use multiple inventory sources. In previous versions of Ansible, users could only define hosts in a single inventory file. With the new update, users can now define hosts in multiple inventory files or directories, making it easier to organize and manage large numbers of hosts. This makes it easier for users to group hosts based on different criteria, such as environment, location, or role.

Another key feature of Ansible 2.4 inventory is the ability to use dynamic inventory. Dynamic inventory allows Ansible to automatically generate an inventory of hosts based on external sources, such as cloud providers, external databases, or monitoring systems. This makes it easier for users to scale their infrastructure and manage hosts dynamically without having to manually update inventory files.

In addition to multiple inventory sources and dynamic inventory, Ansible 2.4 also introduces new inventory plugins. Inventory plugins allow users to customize how Ansible retrieves inventory information, making it easier to integrate Ansible with external systems or customize inventory sources based on specific requirements. This gives users more flexibility and control over how inventory information is retrieved and managed.

One of the benefits of Ansible 2.4 inventory is the improved performance and scalability. With the new inventory features and improvements, users can better organize and manage large numbers of hosts, making it easier to scale their Ansible infrastructure. This improves the overall performance and efficiency of Ansible, allowing users to automate more tasks and manage larger infrastructures more effectively.

Overall, Ansible 2.4 inventory introduces several new features and improvements that make it easier and more efficient for users to manage their hosts. From multiple inventory sources and dynamic inventory to new inventory plugins, Ansible 2.4 provides users with more flexibility and control over how they organize and manage their hosts. With improved performance and scalability, Ansible 2.4 inventory is a powerful tool for automating configuration management and deployment tasks.