广州同学们有福利了,与大佬 brson 面基的机会来了

10月14号晚上7点到9点广州市海珠区暄悦东街 23 号保利中悦广场 3702,brson 亲临教你如何从一个 Rust 新手到老司机

- Topic: Being Rust: A guide for new Rust programmers to become great Rust programmers.

- Time: 19:00-21:00 on Oct. 14, 2019

- Speaker: Brian Anderson(A programmer with 9 years of Rust experience. Ex-Mozilla, ex-Rust core team, currently at PingCAP on TiKV.)

- Abstract: This will be a personal talk about the nature of Rust: its principles, history, culture, successes and failures; and what it takes to be a successful Rust programmer, in Brian's personal experience. He will discuss and demonstrate aspects of his personal Rust workflow, with an emphasis on conveying how to discover and learn Rust on your own. He will offer specific tips and observations based on his experience that are not published elsewhere. There will be many opportunities to ask Rust-related questions, and recieve answers from an authority on the subject.

Zoom meeting room: https://pingcap.zoom.us/j/5232255427

报名通道 http://www.huodongxing.com/event/8514175118700?td=3871355715508