When you program office applications to start in the R/3 window, the interface

i_oi_container_control is used to create and manage any further objects for Desktop Office

Integration. To create an instance for this object:


  Create an instance with reference to the interface i_oi_document_proxy for every

document to be opened simultaneously. This starts a document container in the SAPgui,

and the corresponding office application is started.


You use this interface to communicate with a spreadsheet. 

All spreadsheets allow you to define and assign names to ranges.  This interface works with

named ranges within a spreadsheet. 

The individual ABAP methods contain only functions that are available in the spreadsheet

packages supported by the interface.  That is, each method corresponds directly to a function

within the spreadsheet. 


​ http://www.benx.de/en/sap/class/CL_BDS_DOCUMENT_SET-BusinessDocumentSet--sdn.htm ​
