之前跟 其他部门做接口,对方需要sap这边的 Parser 信息。

其实就是咱们这边IDOC basis下面  segment 的层次和结构,为了第三方系统的接口开发。


SAP Transaction WE60:

1.Put in the Idoc Type, either Basic Type or Enhancement for customized IDocs.

2.Be sure to select the options Control Record and Data Record, do not include Status Record.

3.Select the correct segment release and record type version.

Download Parser Structure from SAP_ico


Select Parser Structure (F9) or click on this icon .

Download Parser Structure from SAP_接口开发_02

5.Save the Structure as System | List | Save | Local File.

Download Parser Structure from SAP_接口开发_03

Download Parser Structure from SAP_接口开发_04