data: lt_items_old  

  like table of bapiebanv   with header line. data: lt_items_new     like table of bapiebanv   with header line. data: lt_account_old   like table of bapiebknv   with header line. data: lt_account_new   like table of bapiebknv   with header line. data: lt_items         like table of bapieban     with header line. data: lt_account       like table of bapiebkn     with header line. data: lt_bapireturn   like table of bapireturn   with header line.

call function 'BAPI_REQUISITION_GETDETAIL'   exporting     number                         = i_banfn     account_assignment             = 'X'   tables     requisition_items               = lt_items     requisition_account_assignment = lt_account.

loop at lt_items.   move-corresponding lt_items to lt_items_old.   append lt_items_old.   clear lt_items_old.   move-corresponding lt_items to lt_items_new.   loop at t_eban where bnfpo = lt_items-preq_item.     lt_items_new-short_text   = t_eban-txz01.     lt_items_new-store_loc     = t_eban-lgort. "库存地点     lt_items_new-quantity     = t_eban-menge.     lt_items_new-unit         = t_eban-meins.     lt_items_new-deliv_date   = t_eban-lfdat.     lt_items_new-mat_grp       = t_eban-matkl.     lt_items_new-store_loc     = t_eban-lgort.     lt_items_new-pur_group     = t_eban-ekgrp.     lt_items_new-c_amt_bapi   = t_eban-preis.     lt_items_new-trackingno   = t_eban-bednr.     lt_items_new-currency     = t_eban-waers.     lt_items_new-price_unit   = t_eban-peinh.   endloop.   append lt_items_new.   clear lt_items_new. endloop.

loop at lt_account.   move-corresponding lt_account to lt_account_old.   append lt_account_old.   clear lt_account_old.   move-corresponding lt_account to lt_account_new.   loop at t_ebkn where bnfpo   = lt_account-preq_item.     lt_account_new-wbs_elem_e = t_ebkn-ps_psp_pnr.     lt_account_new-g_l_acct   = t_ebkn-sakto.     lt_account_new-cost_ctr   = t_ebkn-kostl.     lt_account_new-asset_no   = t_ebkn-anln1.     lt_account_new-order_no   = t_ebkn-aufnr.     lt_account_new-co_area     = t_ebkn-kokrs.   endloop.   append lt_account_new.   clear lt_account_new. endloop.

loop at t_eban.   read table lt_items with key preq_item = t_eban-bnfpo.   if sy-subrc <> 0.     lt_items_new-preq_item   = t_eban-bnfpo. "采购申请的项目编号     lt_items_new-short_text = t_eban-txz01.     lt_items_new-store_loc   = t_eban-lgort. "库存地点     lt_items_new-quantity   = t_eban-menge.     lt_items_new-unit       = t_eban-meins.     lt_items_new-deliv_date = t_eban-lfdat.     lt_items_new-mat_grp     = t_eban-matkl.     lt_items_new-store_loc   = t_eban-lgort.     lt_items_new-pur_group   = t_eban-ekgrp.     lt_items_new-c_amt_bapi = t_eban-preis.     lt_items_new-trackingno = t_eban-bednr.     lt_items_new-currency   = t_eban-waers.     lt_items_new-price_unit = t_eban-peinh.     lt_items_new-des_vendor = t_eban-lifnr. "期望的供应商     lt_items_new-fixed_vend = t_eban-flief. "固定的供应商     lt_items_new-info_rec   = t_eban-infnr. "采购信息记录的编号     lt_items_new-purch_org   = t_eban-ekorg. "采购组织     append lt_items_new.     clear lt_items_new.   endif.


loop at t_ebkn.   read table lt_account with key preq_item = t_ebkn-bnfpo.   if sy-subrc <> 0.     lt_account_new-preq_item   = t_ebkn-bnfpo.     lt_account_new-wbs_elem_e = t_ebkn-ps_psp_pnr.     lt_account_new-g_l_acct   = t_ebkn-sakto.     lt_account_new-cost_ctr   = t_ebkn-kostl.     lt_account_new-asset_no   = t_ebkn-anln1.     lt_account_new-order_no   = t_ebkn-aufnr.     lt_account_new-co_area     = t_ebkn-kokrs.

    append lt_account_new.     clear lt_account_new.   endif. endloop.

call function 'BAPI_REQUISITION_CHANGE'   exporting     number                   = i_banfn   tables     requisition_items_old   = lt_items_old     requisition_items_new   = lt_items_new     requisition_account_old = lt_account_old     requisition_account_new = lt_account_new     return                   = lt_bapireturn.



BAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE  和 BAPI_REQUISITION_CHANGE  从名字上看这二个应该是一起的一个创建一个修改, 可是这二个BAPI里的参数几乎都不一样; 而  BAPI_PR_CREATE  和  BAPI_PR_CHANGE 这二个BAPI里面参数却都是一样的,很奇怪;很显然我如果用BAPI_PR_CREATE创建的申请可以用BAPI_PR_CHANGE来改(但这个BAPI却不能创建服务类申请,因为没有相关的参数),可是我用BAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE创建的申请却不能用BAPI_REQUISITION_CHANGE 来改。