


js_html中script脚本加载/defer/async属性_android studio


  • defer属性,可以将​​脚本​​的加载和运行划分为明显不连续的两个阶段
  • (In this case both​​the script and the HTML​​ will load simultaneously and the code will work.)
  • ​defer​​ only works for external scripts
  • Scripts loaded with the​​defer​​ attribute will load in the order they appear on the page.
  • ​defer​​​ is useful if your scripts​​depend on the DOM being in place​​ (e.g. they modify one or more elements on the page)
  • defer是针对js的执行时机
  • defer加载脚本的顺序比async更加有序
  • async 属性:
  • 加载脚本时不阻塞其他工作的进行,而一旦某个脚本加载完毕,就开始运行该脚本(同时同时会阻塞其他工作)
  • It is best to use​​async​​​ when the scripts in the page​​run independently from each other​​​ and​​depend on no other script​​ on the page.
  • ​async​​ should be used when you have a bunch of background scripts to load in, and you just want to get them in place as soon as possible.
  • ​async​​​的加载和执行比defer要连贯,当你希望尽快加载并执行脚本的时候,使用​​async​​(async方式加载脚本的时候不会阻塞HTML Parser)

script 标签所在位置

  • script 标签可以写在html的​​head​​标签内
  • 但是为了让代码能够正确的执行(符合预期),往往需要做一些主要逻辑之外的额外的工作
  • 对于internal js,我们可以组织代码,让代码使用时间监听的方式(打包主要逻辑)来避免js在不合适的时间点执行
  • 对于external js 我们可以使用defer属性配置script标签
  • 将js放置在html末尾的方式属于过时的方式

To summarize:

  • ​async​​​ and​​defer​​​ both instruct the browser to download the script(s)​​in a separate thread​​​, while the rest of the page (the DOM, etc.) is downloading, so​​the page loading is not blocked during the fetch process.​
  • scripts with an​​async​​​ attribute will​​execute as soon as the download is complete.​​ This blocks the page and does not guarantee any specific execution order.
  • scripts with a​​defer​​ attribute will load in the order they are in and will only execute once everything has finished loading.
  • If your scripts should be run immediately and they don’t have any dependencies, then use​​async​​.
  • If your scripts need to wait for parsing and depend on other scripts and/or the DOM being in place, load them using​​defer​​​ and put their corresponding​​<script>​​ elements in the order you want the browser to execute them.

