1. <server>
2. <id>tomcat7x</id>
3. <username>admin</username>
4. <password>password</password>
5. </server>
1.1 standalone模式
1. <plugin>
2. <groupId>org.codehaus.cargo</groupId>
3. <artifactId>cargo-maven2-plugin</artifactId>
4. <version>1.4.9</version>
5. <configuration>
6. <container>
7. <containerId>tomcat7x</containerId>
8. <home>/usr/local/devtools/apache-tomcat-7.0.55</home>
9. </container>
10. <configuration>
11. <type>standalone</type>
12. <home>${project.build.directory}/tomcat7x</home>
13. <properties>
14. <!-- 更改监听端口 -->
15. <cargo.servlet.port>8088</cargo.servlet.port>
16. </properties>
17. </configuration>
18. </configuration>
19. </plugin>
然后用mvn cargo:run启动,关于cargo:run于cargo:start有什么区别,后续会讲到。
1.2 existing模式
1. <plugin>
2. <groupId>org.codehaus.cargo</groupId>
3. <artifactId>cargo-maven2-plugin</artifactId>
4. <version>1.4.9</version>
5. <configuration>
6. <container>
7. <containerId>tomcat7x</containerId>
8. <home>/usr/local/devtools/apache-tomcat-7.0.55</home>
9. </container>
10. <configuration>
11. <type>existing</type>
12. <home>/usr/local/devtools/apache-tomcat-7.0.55</home>
13. </configuration>
14. </configuration>
15. </plugin>
1. <!-- tomcat7 -->
2. <plugin>
3. <groupId>org.apache.tomcat.maven</groupId>
4. <artifactId>tomcat7-maven-plugin</artifactId>
5. <version>2.2</version>
6. <configuration>
7. <url>http://localhost:8080/manager/text</url>
8. <URIEncoding>UTF-8</URIEncoding>
9. <server>tomcat7x</server>
10. <username>admin</username>
11. <password>password</password>
12. <path>/${project.artifactId}</path>
13. </configuration>
14. </plugin>
1. <plugin>
2. <groupId>org.codehaus.cargo</groupId>
3. <artifactId>cargo-maven2-plugin</artifactId>
4. <version>1.4.9</version>
5. <configuration>
6. <container>
7. <containerId>tomcat7x</containerId>
8. <type>remote</type>
9. </container>
10. <configuration>
11. <type>runtime</type>
12. <properties>
13. <cargo.tomcat.manager.url>http://localhost:8080/manager/text</cargo.tomcat.manager.url>
14. <cargo.remote.username>admin</cargo.remote.username>
15. <cargo.remote.password>password</cargo.remote.password>
16. </properties>
17. </configuration>
18. <deployables>
19. <deployable>
20. <groupId>io.steveguoshao</groupId>
21. <artifactId>webapp</artifactId>
22. <type>war</type>
23. <properties>
24. <context>/${project.artifactId}</context>
25. </properties>
26. <!-- 可选:验证是否部署成功 -->
27. <pingURL>http://localhost:8080/webapp</pingURL>
28. <!-- 可选:验证超时时间,默认是120000 毫秒-->
29. <pingTimeout>60000</pingTimeout>
30. </deployable>
31. </deployables>
32. </configuration>
33. <executions>
34. <execution>
35. <id>verify-deployer</id>
36. <phase>install</phase>
37. <goals>
38. <goal>deployer-redeploy</goal>
39. </goals>
40. </execution>
41. <execution>
42. <id>clean-deployer</id>
43. <phase>clean</phase>
44. <goals>
45. <goal>deployer-undeploy</goal>
46. </goals>
47. </execution>
48. </executions>
49. </plugin>
在tomcat7的conf/tomcat-users.xml中增加角色和用户, 不然会报403,没法访问
1. <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
2. <role rolename="manager-script"/>
3. <role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
4. <role rolename="manager-status"/>
5. <role rolename="admin-gui"/>
6. <user username="admin" password="password" roles="admin-gui,manager-gui,manager-script,manager-status"/>
1. http://localhost:8080/manager/text
配置好之后就可以运行mvn cargo:redeploy 来部署应用了(必须保证tomcat是running状态,否则没法部署),如果容器中已经部署的当前应用,Cargo会先卸载掉原来的应用,然后再重新部署。
1. <goal>deployer-undeploy</goal>
| Description
cargo:start | Start a container. That goal will: - If the plugin configuration requires so, installs the container.
- If the plugin configuration defines a container with astandalone local configuration, it will create the configuration.
- If the plugin configuration contains one or moredeployables, it will deploy these to the container automatically.
- If the plugin configuration contains nodeployables but the project's packaging is Java EE (WAR, EAR, etc.), it will deploy the project's deployable to to the container automatically.
- And, of course, start the container.
Note: A container that's started with cargo:start will automatically shut down as soon as the parent Maven instance quits (i.e., you see a BUILD SUCCESSFUL or BUILD FAILED message). If you want to start a container and perform manual testing, see our next goal cargo:run . |
cargo:run | Start a container and wait for the user to press CTRL + C to stop. That goal will: - If the plugin configuration requires so, installs the container.
- If the plugin configuration defines a container with astandalone local configuration, it will create the configuration.
- If the plugin configuration contains one or moredeployables, it will deploy these to the container automatically.
- If the plugin configuration contains nodeployables but the project's packaging is Java EE (WAR, EAR, etc.), it will deploy the project's deployable to to the container automatically.
- And, of course, start the container and wait for the user to press
CTRL + C to stop.
cargo:stop | Stop a container. |
cargo:restart | Stop and start again a container. If the container was not running before calling cargo:restart , it will simply be started. |
cargo:configure | Create the configuration for a local container, without starting it. Note that the cargo:start and cargo:run goals will also install the container automatically (but will not call cargo:install). |
cargo:package | Package the local container. |
cargo:daemon-start | Start a container via the daemon. Read more on: Cargo Daemon Note: The daemon:start goal is actually equivalent to a restart in CARGO's terms; in the case a container with the same cargo.daemon.handleid already exists then it will be stopped first before your container is started. This also implies that in the case the new container fails to start, the old one will not be restarted. |
cargo:daemon-stop | Stop a container via the daemon. Read more on: Cargo Daemon |
cargo:deployer-deploy (aliased to cargo:deploy ) | Deploy a deployable to a running container. Note: The cargo:start and cargo:run do already deploy the deployables specified in the configuration to the container; as a result calling cargo:deploy for a container which has been started by CARGO in the same Maven2/Maven3 project will most likely cause a second deployment of the same deployables (and might even fail). |
cargo:deployer-undeploy (aliased to cargo:undeploy ) | Undeploy a deployable from a running container. |
cargo:deployer-start | Start a deployable already installed in a running container. |
cargo:deployer-stop | Stop a deployed deployable without undeploying it. |
cargo:deployer-redeploy (aliased to cargo:redeploy ) | Undeploy and deploy again a deployable. If the deployable was not deployed before calling cargo:deployer-redeploy (or its alias cargo:redeploy ) it will simply be deployed. |
cargo:uberwar | Merge several WAR files into one. |
cargo:install | Installs a container distribution on the file system. Note that the cargo:start goal will also install the container automatically (but will not call cargo:install). |
cargo:help | Get help (list of available goals, available options, etc.).
从上面可以看出,cargo:start于cargo:run的不同之处了吧?cargo:start的生命周期依赖于maven实例的生命周期,也就是说,maven构建成功或者失败之后,cargo插件的生命周期也自动停止了;而cargo:run不同,不管maven是否构建成功或者失败,都必须手工去按Ctrl + C来停止。