MODIS Gap filled 长期地表温度每日(2003-2020)
生态学、水文学、气象学、流行病学和能源系统等各个领域越来越需要高时空地表温度 (LST) 数据集。 在这项研究中,作者通过实施数据预处理(每天使用其他三个立交桥之一的值过滤数据质量低的像素和一个立交桥上的空白填充缺失值)和时空拟合(过滤 每个像素的观测值的长期趋势(总体均值),然后在观测值和每天的总体平均值之间进行时空插值残差,最后添加总体均值和插值残差),以生成无缝的高时空 LST 数据集,使用 Terra 和 Aqua 卫星上的两个 MODIS 仪器每天进行四次 LST 观测。


实施该方法是为了创建全局间隙填充 LST 观测。交叉验证表明,中午(下午 1:30)和午夜(上午 1:30)LST 的平均均方根误差 (RMSE) 为 1.88 分别为 K 和 1.33K。 以 0.1 摄氏度温度(0.1 摄氏度)为单位的间隙填充 LST。您可以在此处阅读摘要A spatiotemporal gap-filling method for building a seamless MODIS land surface temperature dataset - NASA/ADS

Figshare 上提供了数据集和整个集合。


Li, Xiaoma, Yuyu Zhou, Ghassem R. Asrar, and Zhengyuan Zhu. "Creating a seamless 1 km resolution daily land surface
temperature dataset for urban and surrounding areas in the conterminous United States." Remote Sensing of
Environment 206 (2018): 84-97.

Google Earth Engine(GEE)——MODIS Gap filled 长期地表温度每日(2003-2020)_温度



Abstract Citation

Zhang, Tao, Yuyu Zhou, and Zhengyuan Zhu. "A spatiotemporal gap-filling method for building a seamless MODIS land
surface temperature dataset." In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, vol. 2020, pp. GC127-01. 2020.

Collection Citation

Zhang, Tao; Zhou, Yuyu; Zhu, Zhengyuan; Li, Xiaoma; Asrar, Ghassem (2021): A global seamless 1 km resolution daily
land surface temperature dataset (2003 – 2020). Iowa State University. Collection.

Google Earth Engine(GEE)——MODIS Gap filled 长期地表温度每日(2003-2020)_人工智能_02

Earth Engine Snippet Climate variables

var gf_day_1km = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gap-filled-lst/gf_day_1km");
var gf_night_1km = ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/gap-filled-lst/gf_night_1km");

Sample Code:


These datasets are made available under the CC BY 4.0 Attribution 4.0 International license. This license allows users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator.

Created by: Zhang, Tao; Zhou, Yuyu; Zhu, Zhengyuan; Li, Xiaoma; Asrar, Ghassem

Curated in GEE by: Samapriya Roy

Keywords: Land Surface Temperature, LST, MODIS, gapfilled

Last updated: 2021-10-03