


Abstract 通常包括 Background、Method、Results、Conclusions 和 Keywords(不需要句子)

我们一般采用现在完成式阐述已有的研究现状,采用一般过去式指出自己研究的目的。Method、Results、Conclusions 通常采用一般过去式分别简要说明研究方法、主要结果和结论。

例 1:

Previous studies have suggested that exposure to PM2.5 may lead to decreased HRV levels, but the results remain inconsistent.

此前的研究表明,暴露于 PM2.5 可能会导致 HRV 水平下降,但结果仍不一致。

例 2:

A cross-sectional analysis was performed in a nationally representative sample consisting of 43,745 children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 years in seven provinces in China.

针对中国 7 个省,43,745 名 7-18 岁儿童开展了一项全国性的横断面研究。

但要注意的是 Conclusions 部分如果要进行展望时,通常使用一般现在时。

例 如:

Future studies are warranted to clarity the exact mechanism of exposure to PM2.5 on the cardiovascular system.

未来的研究需要进一步明确暴露于 PM2.5 对心血管系统影响的具体机制。


Introduction 部分通常需要阐明如下几个问题:





例 1:

Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for around 17.8 million global deaths in 2017 according to the latest estimates of Global Burden of Disease Study.

心血管疾病是全球主要死亡原因,根据全球疾病负担研究(global Burden of disease Study)的最新估计,2017 年,心血管疾病导致全球约 1780 万人死亡。

例 2:

We therefore conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of panel-designed studies to examine the acute health effects of exposure to PM2.5 on heart rate variability (HRV).

因此,本研究对研究 PM2.5 对心率变异性影响的定群研究进行了系统综述和 meta 分析,探讨 PM2.5 暴露对人群 HRV 的急性健康效应。


例 如:

In recent years, many studies have suggested that exposure to PM2.5 may lead to decreased HRV level.

已有研究表明暴露于环境 PM2.5 会导致人体 HRV 的下降。




例 1:

Resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure was measured in the right arm after 5 min in the seated position.

静坐 5 分钟后,测量右臂静息时的收缩压(SBP)和舒张压(DBP)

例 2:

We used mixed-effects linear regression models to investigate the associations between blood pressure and air pollution.






例 如:

In logistic regression analysis, PM10 was associated with higher prevalence of hypertension and the association was robust across different models. The fully adjusted odds ratio (OR) was 1.45 (95% CI: 1.07, 1.95) for every 10 μg/m3 PM10 increment。

在 logistic 回归分析中,PM10 与更高的高血压患病率相关,并且在不同模型中的结果是稳健的。PM10 暴露浓度每增加 10 μg/m3,高血压患病风险的 OR 为 1.45 (95% CI: 1.07, 1.95)


如前所述,当你在文章中提到图形、表格和图表时,通常使用现在时态。例 如:

Table 2 shows the results of the associations between exposure to air pollution and blood pressure.

空气污染暴露于血压的结果详见表 2.


通常使用过去式表示研究的主要发现,结合现在式解释本研究在同领域研究中的意义。例 1:

Our meta-analysis demonstrated that exposure to ambient PM2.5 was significantly associated with decreased HRV levels, suggesting that PM2.5 may increase the risk of CVD through automatic nervous system dysfunction.

我们的 meta 分析表明,环境 PM2.5 暴露与 HRV 水平降低显著相关,提示 PM2.5 可能通过引起自助神经系统功能紊乱增加心血管疾病的风险。

例 2:
To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine potential mediation of long-term ambient air pollution exposure to racial/ethnic disparities in hypertension outcomes.

据我们所知,这是第一个考察长期环境空气污染暴露对高血压结果中种族 (民族)差异潜在影响的研究。



例 如:

Our study demonstrated that exposure to PM2.5 was associated with decreased levels of HRV, suggesting that exposure to ambient PM2.5 may increase CVD risk through the activation of autonomic nervous system. Further studies are warranted to clarity the specific mechanism of exposure to PM2.5 on health effects.

我们的研究表明,暴露在 PM2.5 环境中与 HRV 水平降低相关,提示暴露在环境中 PM2.5 可能通过激活自主神经系统增加心血管疾病的风险。未来研究需要进一步探索暴露于 PM2.5 对健康影响的具体生物学机制。
