CAPTCHA项目是Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (全自动区分计算机和人类的图灵测试)的简称。CAPTCHA的目的是区分计算机和人类的一种程序算法,是一种区分用户是计算机和人的计算程序,这种程序必须能生成并评价人类能很容易通过但计算机却通不过的测试。


卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University,CMU)设计了一个名叫 reCAPTCHA 的强大系统,让他们的电脑去向人类求助。具体做法是:将OCR软件无法识别的文字扫描图传给世界各大网站,用以替换原来的验证码图片;那些网站的用户在正确识别出这些文字之后,其答案便会被传回CMU。





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The Hreckinridge’ and Lane Democrats, having taken courage at the recent eastern advises, 
are [xxxxxxxxxx] energetically for the campaign: Several prominent Democrats who at first 
favoredDonoLea, are coming out. for the other aide, apparently under the [xxxxxxxx] of Federal 
[xxxxxxxxx]. An address to the National Democracy of ,1ifornia, urging the party to 
supportHaeeslipslDas, has recently been published, which manifestlybss strengthened that aide of 
the [xxxxxxxxx]: It is signed by 65 Democrats, many of whom occupy respectab e and prominent 
positions in the party, 22 of them are Federal office-holders,[xxxxx] more are recipients of 
Federal patronage, and the others represent a mass of politicians giving the document [xxxx][xxxxxx] 
mTheDcu8las Democrats are also active The Irish and German vote will mostly go with ths# branch of 
the party, but it is[xxxxxxxxx] to [xxxxxxxx] [xxxxx] [xxxx] [xx] the stronger. Thus far 17 IT 
newspapers have declared for DonGres, 13 for Base$- IaaIDGS and 9 remain non-committal, with even 
chances of going either way. Under these circumstances the Republicans entertain not unjustifiable
 hopes that the Democratic divisions may be so equal,- ly balanced as to give the State [xx] 
LIaCOLV.Same very [xxxxxxx] Bell and Everett meetings have been held in different parts of the State,
 bat thus far that party does not exhibit much rank sad ale air en.


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‘ letz-1- rrk fit: 1′ . on its to Vc ,rt, cann into tlm yc H_ tcr,la, .n. ‘l l; , arc ti:( h of thc 1″,
ats that to ltc rc: ,;. , I; ., l: rel!;n. tani., , ./olio, IJuteilu, . 1!’i./_ ;lr”n. Iiam! Jr.r. 
F’l,nr_.Z.._%i;;, ,, : rt-Irn: am/ tf.rri.:, t?m steamer as a tr nW r. Uu ,tin;t, c ac?1 1″,at firm/ 
a t;nn, accor.liu; to .t rn. ‘Cl.w r. wu ru lm:nui MistinW /y in u;th, -. ink ;:,k as to “what w ax 
1111, :111(I vle:iR a of ;: (,am( into, mnr r-, tm if tlm wo r( uu.i n:’ of t?u : la?:Iv. \ ‘c : ol
 in thc , ucr:atic , , Tlau :; will h:aw tu-li.r \. ’1′Im yap?tts Il ,,n an,/ I, ,rr:l. r, (,t tf,
is r:ity, start witli it, with lu:rtic: ol \ 1- e:l.k.
‘ letz-1- rrk fit: 1′ . on its to Vc ,rt, cann into tlm yc H_ tcr,la, .n. ‘l l; , arc ti:( h of thc 1″,
is r:ity, start witli it, with lu:rtic: ol \ 1- e:l.k.


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The New-York State yacht Squadron, on its annual cruise to Newport came into the harbor
The New-York State yacht Squadron, on its annual cruise to Newport came into the harbor 
yesterday afternoon. The following are the names of the boats that came to anchor here: 
Jessie, gera loliv erelun Annie, Mannering, Julia, Bonita, Magic wut, Rambler, floumblie, 
Henrietta, Sea-Drift and Maria, with the steamer America as a tender. On anchoring each 
boat fired a gun, according to custom. The reports were heard distinctly in the city, 
causing considerable inquiry as to “what was up,” and quite a number of sanguine individuals came 
into our office to inquire if the guns were not annunciatory signals of the successful laying of the
 Atlantic Cable. We invariably replied in the negative. The squadron will leave to-day for Newport. 
The yachts Washington and buub r of this city, start with it, with parties of New Haven people.



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