
首先利用GetKeyState(vbKeyCapital) 的API获取capslock的状态,如果开启了,就SendKeys "{capslock}",

然后SendKeys "s",这样子的语句,默认=SendKeys "s",false的,如果操作其他程序,最后一个sendkeys之后,


所以最好还是要用SendKeys "s",false,会获得你想要的结果,这也是sendkeys的默认值。

Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If GetKeyState(vbKeyCapital) = 1 Then

SendKeys "{capslock}"

End If


SendKeys "s"

' SendKeys "{CAPSLOCK}" ' Turn on the CapsLock

SendKeys "o" ' will be printed in caps

For i = 0 To 10

SendKeys Chr(Asc("A") + i) 'will be printed in caps


'DoEvents ' uncommenting this will print next line in smalls

SendKeys "o" ' will be printed in caps

' SendKeys "{CAPSLOCK}" ' Turn off the caps lock

SendKeys "o" ' Will be printed in smalls

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

If GetKeyState(vbKeyCapital) = 1 Then

SendKeys "{capslock}"

End If


SendKeys "s", True

' SendKeys "{CAPSLOCK}", True ' Turn on the CapsLock

SendKeys "o", True ' will be printed in caps

For i = 0 To 10

SendKeys Chr(Asc("A") + i), True 'will be printed in caps


'DoEvents ' uncommenting this will print next line in smalls

SendKeys "o", True ' will be printed in caps

' SendKeys "{CAPSLOCK}", True ' Turn off the caps lock

SendKeys "o", True ' Will be printed in smalls

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Text1 = ""

End Sub