


牺牲自己的摸鱼时间,终于将原因找出来了, selenium的webdriver的 desired_capabilities参数在搞鬼,同事用的python版本是3.7.5, 这个参数在3.7.5版本源码文件里标明是弃用的,但是你用的时候不会像弃用参数chrome_options使用的时候给你个提示

python3.7.5 源码

- executable_path - Deprecated: path to the executable. If the default is used it assumes the executable is in the $PATH
- port - Deprecated: port you would like the service to run, if left as 0, a free port will be found.
- options - this takes an instance of ChromeOptions
- service_args - Deprecated: List of args to pass to the driver service
- desired_capabilities - Deprecated: Dictionary object with non-browser specific capabilities only, such as "proxy" or "loggingPref".
- service_log_path - Deprecated: Where to log information from the driver. - keep_alive - Deprecated: Whether to configure ChromeRemoteConnection to use HTTP keep-alive.


Creates a new instance of the chrome driver.

Starts the service and then creates new instance of chrome driver.

- executable_path - path to the executable. If the default is used it assumes the executable is in the $PATH
- port - port you would like the service to run, if left as 0, a free port will be found.
- options - this takes an instance of ChromeOptions
- service_args - List of args to pass to the driver service
- desired_capabilities - Dictionary object with non-browser specific
capabilities only, such as "proxy" or "loggingPref".
- service_log_path - Where to log information from the driver.
- chrome_options - Deprecated argument for options
- keep_alive - Whether to configure ChromeRemoteConnection to use HTTP keep-alive.


${prefs}    create dictionary    download.default_directory=${currentpath}${/}Doc${/}    download.prompt_for_download=False
log ${prefs}
Call Method ${driver_options} add_experimental_option prefs ${prefs}
${options}= Call Method ${driver_options} to_capabilities
Create Webdriver ${bro} desired_capabilities=${options}
