








Never mind for William Ding

All the times I admired William Ding very much, I consider him as one of my idols I should admire. Recently , he published some comment on on-line games. I think most of his suggestions are so classical.

I hate on-line games very much some time ago. But later I change my opinion because I think it is not the question. Just as many people abhor cruelty Tianqiao Chen. No Chen, there will be others to instead. We know if no on-line games, there maybe some other games, even be more attractive. They always need some ways or channels to enjoy their life. Some children, middle-age or even old people fell in love with “Supper girls”. That’s the same as on-line games.

On-line games are harmful of course. But they are also profitable. Just as William Ding said, you can gain a lot of money while staying in bed. It has enough reason to gain profit and you can’t find fault. Some friends suggest that it make a lot of malfeasant money and harm the character of youth. It is also reasonable.

The problem is who can control the whole situation? The initiative is based on you. In other words, if you want to play the games, no body cares. Some people criticized Yuzhu Shi but I think it is the problem of business. If you don’t play it, he can’t gain any money from you. Yes, we can compare the games with opium. I believe nobody want to take in opium. If that, why do you choose games, which are considered as spiritual opium.

However, it is not wholly harmful for on-line games. From the point of Internet, it is proactive. From the point of economy, it is useful. We should admit there are some weak points and passive effects. But we can’t give up it. The whole industry needs time to be perfect.

There are some direct relationships between on-line games and home education. In China, the parents always hope to create one comfortable environment for the children. They pay no attention to the spiritual education and morality education. There is no difference between parents and the aunties of nursery. William Ding pointed out that many children can’t find their dream and warm so they addict themselves to on-line games.

Moreover, one words called “the arse decides the head”. I can make sure that the people who oppose on-line games will change their opinions if they become the second or the third William Ding. The another problem is many people due the cause to others. For Internet, no matter how do you perform, there must be many people criticize you.