一.Oracle XDK 组件 说明


SQL> col comp_id for a15

SQL> col version for a15

SQL> col comp_name for a30

SQL> select comp_id,comp_name,versionfrom dba_registry;

COMP_ID         COMP_NAME                      VERSION

--------------------------------------------- ---------------

XDB             Oracle XML Database  

AMD             OLAP Catalog         

EM              Oracle Enterprise Manager

SDO             Spatial              

ORDIM           Oracle Multimedia    

CONTEXT         Oracle Text          

ODM             Oracle Data Mining   

EXF             Oracle Expression Filter

RUL             Oracle Rules Manager 

OWM             Oracle Workspace Manager

CATALOG         Oracle Database Catalog Views

COMP_ID         COMP_NAME                      VERSION

--------------------------------------------- ---------------

CATPROC         Oracle Database Packages and T11.


JAVAVM          JServer JAVA Virtual Machine

XML             Oracle XDK           

CATJAVA         Oracle Database Java Packages

XOQ             Oracle OLAP API      

APS             OLAP Analytic Workspace

17 rows selected.

MOS 说明:

Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11g 组件(Components) 说明

Oracle OracleXML Developer's Kit (XDK) is a versatile set of components that enables you tobuild and deploy C, C++, and Java software programs that process XML. You canassemble these components into an XML application that serves your businessneeds. 

--Oracle XDK 组件是一个多功能集合的组件,其可以构建和部署C,C++,Java 程序来处理XML。

Oracle XDKprovides the foundation for the Oracle XML solution. The XDK supports OracleXML DB, which is a set of technologies used for storage and processing of XMLin the database. You can use the XDK in conjunction with Oracle XML DB to buildapplications that run in Oracle Database. You can also use the XDKindependently of XML DB. 

--Oracle XDK 为XML的解决方案提供了基础。 XDK 支持XML DB,XDB是一个技术的集合,其可以用来在DB中存储和处理XML。 我们可以使用XDK 和XDB来构建应用在DB中运行,也可以单独使用XDK。

The Oracle XDKis fully supported by Oracle Corporation and comes with a commercialredistribution license. The standard installation of Oracle Database includesthe XDK. 


(1)Customersusing Oracle XDK with PL/SQL and migrating from Oracle Database Release 8.1 or9.2 are strongly encouraged to use AL32UTF8 as the database character set.Otherwise, issues can arise during PL/SQL processing of XML data that containsescaped entities. 

--在Oracle 8.1和9.2中强烈建议AL32UTF8字符集。

(2)9206 XDKshould be installed in 9204 database, 9207 XDK should be installed in 9205database and 9208 XDK should be installed in 9206 server. That is why in9.2.0.8 installation you will see XDK version

XDK 用户:

SYS: In 9.2 XDK should be installed in SYSschema, as 9.2.0.* patchsets upgrade XDK installed in SYS schemaonly.  

       --从Oracle 9.2 开始,XDK 只安装到SYS 用户。

二. XDK 卸载


​Note.317176.1​​ Howto De-install corrupted pl/sql XDK in 9.2 and Install the right version 

​Note.171658.1​​ HowTo Install and Uninstall the XML Developers Toolkit 

1)     Let's check which user owns theXDK. To find out execute this query as SYS

--检查XDK 用户:

SQL> select owner,dbms_java.longname(object_name), object_type, status from all_objects where dbms_java.longname(object_name)like  ('%XMLParser%') and object_type like '%JAVA%';

Note:- If the packagesshow up as INVALID then XDK is corrupt and you need to follow  re-installsteps

--如果这里包显示无效,那么XDK 就corrupt,需要重建XDK。

2) For each user that owns XDK executebelow function to find out the version



  IS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME  'oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.getReleaseVersion()returns java.lang.String';


SQL> select xmlversion from dual;

3) 9206 XDK should be installed in 9204 database, 9207 XDK should be installedin 9205 database and 9208 XDK should be installed in 9206 server.

IF the XDK isinstalled in only SYS schema and you have right XDK version then no need tocontinue further ....

4) In 9.2, the XDK should be installed inthe SYS schema, as 9.2.0.* patchsets upgrade the XDK installed in the SYSschema only.

       --在Oracle 9.2 中,XDK 需要安装在SYS用户下。

5) If you have XDK installed in any schemaother than SYS, then follow below steps to successfully install the rightversion of XDK in SYS schema

       --如果XDK 已经安装到了其他目录,那么使用如下步骤可以转移到SYS 用户。

a) If the user owning XDK just has XDKcomponents and no custom code then drop the user owning XDK using cascadeoption

b) Now, as SYS, check if any other schemahas XDK installed

SQL> select owner,dbms_java.longname(object_name), object_type, status from all_objects where dbms_java.longname(object_name)like  ('%XMLParser%') and object_type like '%JAVA%';

c) If the above query show that SYS hasalready the right version of XDK installed then stop here ..... 

otherwise continue

For both Unix and Windows as SYS executebelow command


d) Installation complete and no need tocontinue further ..

6) IF current XDK in SYS is corrupted oryou have wrong version of XDK in SYS schema then follow below steps tode-install and install

       --如果XDK 已经正确安装到了SYS用户,但是XDK 版本错误,那么需要卸载XDK 然后重新安装。

I) To de-install XDKinstalled from Technet you need to have right version of jar files I.e say you have XDK installed in a database (RightXDK should be then you need to have XDK files to drop thecurrent XDK. With below steps I will assume you have XDK in and we are going to de-install XDK and install XDK

a) Download XDK from Technet


Install it in some directory on thedatabase box.

b) Cd to XDK_HOME/xdk/admin directory

c) Log in as SYS and execute below commands

SQL> @xmldrop.sql

SQL> drop package dbms_xmlquery;

SQL> drop package dbms_xmlsave;

SQL> drop package xmlgen;

SQL> drop public synonym dbms_xmlquery;

SQL> drop public synonym dbms_xmlsave;

SQL> drop public synonym xmlgen;

SQL> exit

d) Cd to XDK_HOME/lib and issue a dropjava command for each of the followingjava archives






   eg.  dropjava -v -uuser/password xdk/lib/xschema.jar

e) Deinstall is complete. Now you can loginand check if any version of XDK is installed

f) To install XDK as SYS executebelow command

   SQL> [ORACLE_HOME]/rdbms/admin/initxml.sql

II) To de-install corrupt 9.2 XDK that is installedfrom $OH follow below steps

a) Cd to $OH

b) Log in as SYS and execute below commands

SQL> @rdbms/admin/rmxml.sql

SQL> drop package dbms_xmlquery;

SQL> drop package dbms_xmlsave;

SQL> drop package xmlgen;

SQL> drop public synonym dbms_xmlquery;

SQL> drop public synonym dbms_xmlsave;

SQL> drop public synonym xmlgen;

SQL> exit

d) Cd to $OH and issue a dropjava command for each of the following javaarchives








   eg.  dropjava -v -uuser/password ./lib/xschema.jar

e) Deinstall is complete. Now you can loginand check if any version of XDK is installed

f) To install XDK as SYS executebelow command



In 9iR2, the xdkfor pl/sql written in java has been deprecated and in 10i it is no longersupported

Starting with9.2 Oracle introduced XDK for pl/sql written in C/C++ which is referred asXDB/XMLTYPE. The packages XMLDOM, XMLPARSER and XSLPROCESSOR have been replacedby the new names as DBMS_XMLDOM, DBMS_XMLPARSER and DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR.

The new packageshave the same methods and functionality and support the same interfaces using Cinstead of Java.  In 10i there will be synonyms created to the oldpackages to provide backward compatibility.

In 9.2 you havethe option to either use pl/sql XDK written in C or Java.

In order toinstall XDB refer to Note 1292089.1

三. XDK 组件安装

​Note.435999.1​​ HowTo Install XDK 10.2.0.x ? 

​Note.277152.1​​ Howto install XDK 9.2.0.x in an 8.1.7 Database Cleanly 

​Note.453050.1​​ Howto Verify the XDK Installation

​Installing the XDK (11gR2)​​ 

There is no needto install XDK Java in 10g database as it comes with XDB schema. In 10g, muchabout XDK has been included in Oracle XML Database (XDB). 

--从Oracle10g 开始,不需要安装XDK组件,其已经包含在XDB组件中。

So, to install the XDK Java, XDB should beinstalled first . 

--所以如果要安装XDK,XDB 需要先安装。

 If theJServer is installed correctly but the XDK component is not, for example it isinvalid, (which can be shown by the following SQL statement):

--如果JServer 安装正确,但是XDK 无效,可以通过如下SQL 查询:

COLUMN comp_name format a30

COLUMN version format a20

COLUMN status format a20

select comp_name,version,status from dba_registry where comp_name='Oracle XDK';

注:这里的Jserver 是JVM组件的一个子集。

Then execute the following scripts tore-install the XDK component.

--可以执行如下脚本重建XDK 组件:

Connected as SYSDBA.



But afterrunning initxml.sql, if following error is encountered , then theJavaVM  is not installed correctly :


BEGIN dbms_java.loadjava('-v -r -grantPUBLIC -s rdbms/jlib/servlet.jar'); END; 

ERROR at line 1: 

ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: 


ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JAVA", line 222 

ORA-06512: at line 1 

BEGIN dbms_java.loadjava('-v -r -install -grant PUBLIC -s lib/xmlparserv2.jar 

rdbms/jlib/xdb.jar'); END; 

ERROR at line 1: 

ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: 


ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JAVA", line 222 

ORA-06512: at line 1 

BEGIN dbms_java.loadjava('-v -r -grant PUBLIC -s lib/xsu12.jar'); END; 

ERROR at line 1: 

ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: 


ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JAVA", line 222 

ORA-06512: at line 1 

四.验证XDK 安装

1. Verify there are no invalid Java classesthat start with name "oracle/xml"  by querying the ALL_OBJECTSview. 

SQL> Select substr(dbms_java.longname(object_name),1, 30) as class, statusfrom all_objects where object_type = 'JAVA CLASS' and status = 'INVALID'; 

2. Verify installation of the Oracle XML Parser for JAVA (i.e xmlparserv2.jar) 

SQL> select substr(dbms_java.longname(object_name),1, 30) as class, statusfrom all_objects where object_type = 'JAVA CLASS' and object_name =dbms_java.shortname('oracle/xml/parser/v2/DOMParser'); 

You should see the following result: 

CLASS Status 

-------------------------------- --------- 

oracle/xml/parser/v2/DOMParser Valid 

3. Verify the PL/SQL wrapper packages are created for the Oracle XML Parser 

for PL/SQL 




4. Verify the PL/SQL wrapper packages are created for the Oracle XML SQLUtility 




XML 与XDK 的常见问题参考:

​Note 250288.1​​ XDK For PL/SQL API Has Been Deprecated from 9.2 Database

​Note.103871.1​​ XML Parser for PL/SQL FAQs 

​Note.103872.1​​ XML Parser for Java Version 2 - Frequently Asked Questions