一 ,基于neutron网络资源主机(控制节点,网络节点,计算节点)网络规划配置

1, controller.cc 节点


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置

2, network.cc节点网络配置截图

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_02

3, compute.cc节点网络配置截图

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_03


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_04

Neutron initial 网络 ip pool Ranger:

External network ip pool: ~

Tenant network ip pool:



ntp服务器配置把ntp_server 修改为asia.pool.ntp.org

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_05

其他节点将server 指向controller.cc即可

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_06

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_07


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_08

2,openstack package ins,to enable openstack online repository

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_09


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_10


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_11

3,SQL database

 user libvirt

  • Management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage

  Zero-conf discovery using Avahi multicast-DNS

libvirt provides

1     Remote management using TLS encryption and x509 certificates
2 Remote management authenticating with Kerberos and SASL
3 Local access control using PolicyKit
4 Zero-conf discovery using Avahi multicast-DNS
5 Management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage
6 Portable client API for Linux, Solaris and Windows

 ins mariaDB-server python-mysqldb


bind-address     = controller.cc

default-storage-engine = innodb


collation-server = utf8_general_ci

init-connect = 'SET NAMES utf8'

character-set-server = utf8

Message queue

ins    apt-get install rabbitmq-server

To configure the message queue service,add the openstack user

rabbitmqctl add_user openstack 321

rabbitmqctl set_permissions openstack ".*" ".*" ".*"

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_12

Install and configure openStack Identity service

service on controller.cc ntp,SQL,Message queue,identity service-keystone

for performance,this configuration deploys the Apache Http server to handle requests and Memcached to store tokens instead of a SQL database

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_13


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_14

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_15

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_16

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_17

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_18

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_19

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_20

Create projects,users,and roles

The identity service provides authentication services for each openstack service,the authentication service uses a combination of domains,projects(tenants),users,and roles

create an administrator administrative project,user,and role for administrative operations in your environment

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_21

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_22

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_23

this guide uses a service project that contains a unique user for each service that you add to your environment

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_24

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_25

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_26


openstack add role --project admin --user {} role

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_27

for security reasons,disable the temporary authentication token mechanism

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_28

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_29

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_30

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_31

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_32

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_33

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_34

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_35

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_36

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_37

qinRui用户与admin 项目project及admin 角色相关联系起来

rui用户与rui 项目project 及admin 角色管联

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_38

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_39

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_40

openstack image service(glance) enables users to discover,register,and retrieve virtual machine images,offers a REST API enables you to query virtual machine image metadata and retrieve an actual image,you can store virtual machine images made available through the image service in variety of locations,from simple file systems to object-storage systems like object storage


openstack image service includes the following components:

glance-api:    image discovery,retrieval,and storage

glance-registery:    stores,processes,and retrieves metadata about images.Metadata includes items such as size and type

security note,registry is a private internal service meant for use by openstack image service,

database:    stores image metadata and you can choose your database depending on your preference

storage repository for image files: various repository types are supported

on the controller.cc node,for simplicity,this configuration stores images on the local file system

git 使用测试

把新创建的glance用户关联到service项目和admin role角色

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_41

create service entity,API endpoint

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_42


default_store = file

filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_43

从上面截图得出的教训是此处的配置文件every line 开头不能有空白.

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_44

libVirt 开发环境


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_45

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_46


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_47

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_48

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_49

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_50

Add the compute service

openStack compute

install and configure controller node

install and configure a compute node

再一个工作任务是使用FUEL部署openStack production env

compute core: nova-compute service worker daemon that creates and terminates virtual machine instances through hypervisor APIs,Processing is fairly complex,basically,the daemon accepts actions from the queue and performs a series of system command such as launching a KVM instance and updating its state in the database

nova-scheduler takes a virtual machine instance request from the queue and determines on which compute server host it runs

core compute,networking for VMs nova-network worker daemon similar to the nova-compute service,accepts networking tasks from queue and manipulates the network,performs tasks such as setting up bridging interfaces or changing iptables rules

nova-consoleauth daemon,authorizes token for users that console proxies provide,see nova-novncproxy and nova-xvpnvproxy,

nova-consoleauth daemon: authorizes tokens for users that cnsole proxies provides

nova-novncproxy and  no-xvpnvncpproxy  this service nova-consoleauth must be running for console proxies to workyou can run proxies of ethr type

nova-novncproxy daemon provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a VNC connection,supports browser-based novnc clients

novnc client,html5 client browser-based

nova-xvpvncproxy daemon provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a VNC connection,supports an openstack-specific java client

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_51

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_52

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_53

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_54

Popuklate the compute database

 openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_55

完整nova controller.cc node 配置文件

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_56 View Code

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_57

install and configure a compute node

server component listens on all ip address and the proxy component only listens on the manaement interface ip address of the compute node the base URL indicates the location where you can use a web browser to access remote consoles of instances on this compute node

to finalize installation

determine whether your compute node supports hardware acceleration for virtual machines

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_58

configure libVirt to use QEMU instead of KVM

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_59

 openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_60

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_61

list service components to verify successful launch and registration of each process

This output should indicate four service components enabled on the compute node.

List API endpoint in the Identity service to verify connectivity with the Identity service

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_62

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_63


一 ,基于neutron网络资源主机(控制节点,网络节点,计算节点)网络规划配置

1, controller.cc 节点


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_64

2, network.cc节点网络配置截图

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_65

3, compute.cc节点网络配置截图

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_66


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_67



ntp服务器配置把ntp_server 修改为asia.pool.ntp.org

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_68

其他节点将server 指向controller.cc即可

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_69

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_70


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_71

2,openstack package ins,to enable openstack online repository

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_72


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_73


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_74

3,SQL database

 user libvirt

  • Management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage

  Zero-conf discovery using Avahi multicast-DNS

libvirt provides

1     Remote management using TLS encryption and x509 certificates
2 Remote management authenticating with Kerberos and SASL
3 Local access control using PolicyKit
4 Zero-conf discovery using Avahi multicast-DNS
5 Management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage
6 Portable client API for Linux, Solaris and Windows

 ins mariaDB-server python-mysqldb


bind-address     = controller.cc

default-storage-engine = innodb


collation-server = utf8_general_ci

init-connect = 'SET NAMES utf8'

character-set-server = utf8

Message queue

ins    apt-get install rabbitmq-server

To configure the message queue service,add the openstack user

rabbitmqctl add_user openstack 321

rabbitmqctl set_permissions openstack ".*" ".*" ".*"

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_75

Install and configure openStack Identity service

service on controller.cc ntp,SQL,Message queue,identity service-keystone

for performance,this configuration deploys the Apache Http server to handle requests and Memcached to store tokens instead of a SQL database

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_76


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_77

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_78

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_79

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_80

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_81

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_82

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_83

Create projects,users,and roles

The identity service provides authentication services for each openstack service,the authentication service uses a combination of domains,projects(tenants),users,and roles

create an administrator administrative project,user,and role for administrative operations in your environment

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_84

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_85

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_86

this guide uses a service project that contains a unique user for each service that you add to your environment

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_87

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_88

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_89


openstack add role --project admin --user {} role

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_90

for security reasons,disable the temporary authentication token mechanism

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_91

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_92

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_93

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_94

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_95

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_96

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_97

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_98

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_99

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_100

qinRui用户与admin 项目project及admin 角色相关联系起来

rui用户与rui 项目project 及admin 角色管联

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_101

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_102

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_103

openstack image service(glance) enables users to discover,register,and retrieve virtual machine images,offers a REST API enables you to query virtual machine image metadata and retrieve an actual image,you can store virtual machine images made available through the image service in variety of locations,from simple file systems to object-storage systems like object storage


openstack image service includes the following components:

glance-api:    image discovery,retrieval,and storage

glance-registery:    stores,processes,and retrieves metadata about images.Metadata includes items such as size and type

security note,registry is a private internal service meant for use by openstack image service,

database:    stores image metadata and you can choose your database depending on your preference

storage repository for image files: various repository types are supported

on the controller.cc node,for simplicity,this configuration stores images on the local file system

git 使用测试

把新创建的glance用户关联到service项目和admin role角色

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_104

create service entity,API endpoint

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_105


default_store = file

filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_106

从上面截图得出的教训是此处的配置文件every line 开头不能有空白.

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_107

libVirt 开发环境


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_108

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_109


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_110

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_111

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_112

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_113

Add the compute service

openStack compute

install and configure controller node

install and configure a compute node

再一个工作任务是使用FUEL部署openStack production env

compute core: nova-compute service worker daemon that creates and terminates virtual machine instances through hypervisor APIs,Processing is fairly complex,basically,the daemon accepts actions from the queue and performs a series of system command such as launching a KVM instance and updating its state in the database

nova-scheduler takes a virtual machine instance request from the queue and determines on which compute server host it runs

core compute,networking for VMs nova-network worker daemon similar to the nova-compute service,accepts networking tasks from queue and manipulates the network,performs tasks such as setting up bridging interfaces or changing iptables rules

nova-consoleauth daemon,authorizes token for users that console proxies provide,see nova-novncproxy and nova-xvpnvproxy,

nova-consoleauth daemon: authorizes tokens for users that cnsole proxies provides

nova-novncproxy and  no-xvpnvncpproxy  this service nova-consoleauth must be running for console proxies to workyou can run proxies of ethr type

nova-novncproxy daemon provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a VNC connection,supports browser-based novnc clients

novnc client,html5 client browser-based

nova-xvpvncproxy daemon provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a VNC connection,supports an openstack-specific java client

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_114

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_115

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_116

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_117

Popuklate the compute database

 openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_118

完整nova controller.cc node 配置文件

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_119 View Code

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_120

install and configure a compute node

server component listens on all ip address and the proxy component only listens on the manaement interface ip address of the compute node the base URL indicates the location where you can use a web browser to access remote consoles of instances on this compute node

to finalize installation

determine whether your compute node supports hardware acceleration for virtual machines

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_121

configure libVirt to use QEMU instead of KVM

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_122

 openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_123

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_124

list service components to verify successful launch and registration of each process

This output should indicate four service components enabled on the compute node.

List API endpoint in the Identity service to verify connectivity with the Identity service

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_125

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_126

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_127

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_128

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_129

一 ,基于neutron网络资源主机(控制节点,网络节点,计算节点)网络规划配置

1, controller.cc 节点


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_130

2, network.cc节点网络配置截图

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_131

3, compute.cc节点网络配置截图

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_132


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_133

Neutron initial 网络 ip pool Ranger:

External network ip pool: ~

Tenant network ip pool:



ntp服务器配置把ntp_server 修改为asia.pool.ntp.org

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_134

其他节点将server 指向controller.cc即可

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_135

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_136


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_137

2,openstack package ins,to enable openstack online repository

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_138


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_139


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_140

3,SQL database

 user libvirt

  • Management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage

  Zero-conf discovery using Avahi multicast-DNS

libvirt provides

1     Remote management using TLS encryption and x509 certificates
2 Remote management authenticating with Kerberos and SASL
3 Local access control using PolicyKit
4 Zero-conf discovery using Avahi multicast-DNS
5 Management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage
6 Portable client API for Linux, Solaris and Windows

 ins mariaDB-server python-mysqldb


bind-address     = controller.cc

default-storage-engine = innodb


collation-server = utf8_general_ci

init-connect = 'SET NAMES utf8'

character-set-server = utf8

Message queue

ins    apt-get install rabbitmq-server

To configure the message queue service,add the openstack user

rabbitmqctl add_user openstack 321

rabbitmqctl set_permissions openstack ".*" ".*" ".*"

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_141

Install and configure openStack Identity service

service on controller.cc ntp,SQL,Message queue,identity service-keystone

for performance,this configuration deploys the Apache Http server to handle requests and Memcached to store tokens instead of a SQL database

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_142


openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_143

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_144

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_145

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_146

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_147

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_148

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_149

Create projects,users,and roles

The identity service provides authentication services for each openstack service,the authentication service uses a combination of domains,projects(tenants),users,and roles

create an administrator administrative project,user,and role for administrative operations in your environment

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_150

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_151

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_152

this guide uses a service project that contains a unique user for each service that you add to your environment

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_153

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_154

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_155


openstack add role --project admin --user {} role

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_156

for security reasons,disable the temporary authentication token mechanism

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_157

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_ide_158

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_159

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_网络配置_160

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_161

openStack kilo 手动Manual部署随笔记录_sql_162

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qinRui用户与admin 项目project及admin 角色相关联系起来

rui用户与rui 项目project 及admin 角色管联

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openstack image service(glance) enables users to discover,register,and retrieve virtual machine images,offers a REST API enables you to query virtual machine image metadata and retrieve an actual image,you can store virtual machine images made available through the image service in variety of locations,from simple file systems to object-storage systems like object storage


openstack image service includes the following components:

glance-api:    image discovery,retrieval,and storage

glance-registery:    stores,processes,and retrieves metadata about images.Metadata includes items such as size and type

security note,registry is a private internal service meant for use by openstack image service,

database:    stores image metadata and you can choose your database depending on your preference

storage repository for image files: various repository types are supported

on the controller.cc node,for simplicity,this configuration stores images on the local file system

git 使用测试

把新创建的glance用户关联到service项目和admin role角色

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create service entity,API endpoint

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default_store = file

filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images

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从上面截图得出的教训是此处的配置文件every line 开头不能有空白.

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libVirt 开发环境


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Add the compute service

openStack compute

install and configure controller node

install and configure a compute node

再一个工作任务是使用FUEL部署openStack production env

compute core: nova-compute service worker daemon that creates and terminates virtual machine instances through hypervisor APIs,Processing is fairly complex,basically,the daemon accepts actions from the queue and performs a series of system command such as launching a KVM instance and updating its state in the database

nova-scheduler takes a virtual machine instance request from the queue and determines on which compute server host it runs

core compute,networking for VMs nova-network worker daemon similar to the nova-compute service,accepts networking tasks from queue and manipulates the network,performs tasks such as setting up bridging interfaces or changing iptables rules

nova-consoleauth daemon,authorizes token for users that console proxies provide,see nova-novncproxy and nova-xvpnvproxy,

nova-consoleauth daemon: authorizes tokens for users that cnsole proxies provides

nova-novncproxy and  no-xvpnvncpproxy  this service nova-consoleauth must be running for console proxies to workyou can run proxies of ethr type

nova-novncproxy daemon provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a VNC connection,supports browser-based novnc clients

novnc client,html5 client browser-based

nova-xvpvncproxy daemon provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a VNC connection,supports an openstack-specific java client

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Popuklate the compute database

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完整nova controller.cc node 配置文件

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install and configure a compute node

server component listens on all ip address and the proxy component only listens on the manaement interface ip address of the compute node the base URL indicates the location where you can use a web browser to access remote consoles of instances on this compute node

to finalize installation

determine whether your compute node supports hardware acceleration for virtual machines

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configure libVirt to use QEMU instead of KVM

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list service components to verify successful launch and registration of each process

This output should indicate four service components enabled on the compute node.

List API endpoint in the Identity service to verify connectivity with the Identity service

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一 ,基于neutron网络资源主机(控制节点,网络节点,计算节点)网络规划配置

1, controller.cc 节点


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2, network.cc节点网络配置截图

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3, compute.cc节点网络配置截图

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ntp服务器配置把ntp_server 修改为asia.pool.ntp.org

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其他节点将server 指向controller.cc即可

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2,openstack package ins,to enable openstack online repository

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3,SQL database

 user libvirt

  • Management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage

  Zero-conf discovery using Avahi multicast-DNS

libvirt provides

1     Remote management using TLS encryption and x509 certificates
2 Remote management authenticating with Kerberos and SASL
3 Local access control using PolicyKit
4 Zero-conf discovery using Avahi multicast-DNS
5 Management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage
6 Portable client API for Linux, Solaris and Windows

 ins mariaDB-server python-mysqldb


bind-address     = controller.cc

default-storage-engine = innodb


collation-server = utf8_general_ci

init-connect = 'SET NAMES utf8'

character-set-server = utf8

Message queue

ins    apt-get install rabbitmq-server

To configure the message queue service,add the openstack user

rabbitmqctl add_user openstack 321

rabbitmqctl set_permissions openstack ".*" ".*" ".*"

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Install and configure openStack Identity service

service on controller.cc ntp,SQL,Message queue,identity service-keystone

for performance,this configuration deploys the Apache Http server to handle requests and Memcached to store tokens instead of a SQL database

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Create projects,users,and roles

The identity service provides authentication services for each openstack service,the authentication service uses a combination of domains,projects(tenants),users,and roles

create an administrator administrative project,user,and role for administrative operations in your environment

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this guide uses a service project that contains a unique user for each service that you add to your environment

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openstack add role --project admin --user {} role

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for security reasons,disable the temporary authentication token mechanism

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qinRui用户与admin 项目project及admin 角色相关联系起来

rui用户与rui 项目project 及admin 角色管联

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openstack image service(glance) enables users to discover,register,and retrieve virtual machine images,offers a REST API enables you to query virtual machine image metadata and retrieve an actual image,you can store virtual machine images made available through the image service in variety of locations,from simple file systems to object-storage systems like object storage


openstack image service includes the following components:

glance-api:    image discovery,retrieval,and storage

glance-registery:    stores,processes,and retrieves metadata about images.Metadata includes items such as size and type

security note,registry is a private internal service meant for use by openstack image service,

database:    stores image metadata and you can choose your database depending on your preference

storage repository for image files: various repository types are supported

on the controller.cc node,for simplicity,this configuration stores images on the local file system

git 使用测试

把新创建的glance用户关联到service项目和admin role角色

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create service entity,API endpoint

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default_store = file

filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images

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从上面截图得出的教训是此处的配置文件every line 开头不能有空白.

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libVirt 开发环境


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Add the compute service

openStack compute

install and configure controller node

install and configure a compute node

再一个工作任务是使用FUEL部署openStack production env

compute core: nova-compute service worker daemon that creates and terminates virtual machine instances through hypervisor APIs,Processing is fairly complex,basically,the daemon accepts actions from the queue and performs a series of system command such as launching a KVM instance and updating its state in the database

nova-scheduler takes a virtual machine instance request from the queue and determines on which compute server host it runs

core compute,networking for VMs nova-network worker daemon similar to the nova-compute service,accepts networking tasks from queue and manipulates the network,performs tasks such as setting up bridging interfaces or changing iptables rules

nova-consoleauth daemon,authorizes token for users that console proxies provide,see nova-novncproxy and nova-xvpnvproxy,

nova-consoleauth daemon: authorizes tokens for users that cnsole proxies provides

nova-novncproxy and  no-xvpnvncpproxy  this service nova-consoleauth must be running for console proxies to workyou can run proxies of ethr type

nova-novncproxy daemon provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a VNC connection,supports browser-based novnc clients

novnc client,html5 client browser-based

nova-xvpvncproxy daemon provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a VNC connection,supports an openstack-specific java client

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Popuklate the compute database

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完整nova controller.cc node 配置文件

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install and configure a compute node

server component listens on all ip address and the proxy component only listens on the manaement interface ip address of the compute node the base URL indicates the location where you can use a web browser to access remote consoles of instances on this compute node

to finalize installation

determine whether your compute node supports hardware acceleration for virtual machines

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configure libVirt to use QEMU instead of KVM

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list service components to verify successful launch and registration of each process

This output should indicate four service components enabled on the compute node.

List API endpoint in the Identity service to verify connectivity with the Identity service

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