定义一个热键 ctrl+q 会显示一个日历,然后根据选择日期 生成一个链接

#IfWinActive ahk_exe Obsidian.exe
answer := Dialog("请选择一个日期,本工具会以wiki链接形式输出", "good")
send [[%answer%]]
Gui, Add, MonthCal, vMyCalendar gButton
Gui, show
Dialog(Question, DefaultValue := "") {
    return new Dialog(Question, DefaultValue).Wait()
class Dialog
    __New(Question, DefaultValue) {
        Gui, New, +hwndhGui +LabelDialog.On_, Dialog
        this.hwnd := hGui
        Gui, Add, Text,, % Question
;        Gui, Add, MonthCal, hwndhEdit vMyCalendar gButton
        Gui, Add, MonthCal, hwndhEdit
        this.hEdit := hEdit
        Gui, Add, Button, gDialog.On_ButtonSendAnswer, 确定
        this.SaveStatus := False
        Gui, Show, w400 h400
        Dialog.Instances[hGui] := this
    On_Close() {
        MsgBox, 4, % " ", Do you want to close the window?
        IfMsgBox, No
            Return 1

    On_ButtonSendAnswer() {
        this := Dialog.Instances[A_Gui]
        this.SaveStatus := True
        Gui, Cancel
    RemoveInstance(hwnd) {
    Wait() {
        dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows
        DetectHiddenWindows, Off
        WinWaitClose, % "ahk_id " this.hwnd
        DetectHiddenWindows, % dhw

        If !this.SaveStatus
          Return "not saved"
        GuiControlGet, value,, % this.hEdit
        return value

    __Delete() {
        Gui, % this.hwnd ":Destroy"