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    <title>Dispatching UI-2E</title>

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function func(){
    var tag=document.getElementById("roll");
    var content=tag.innerText;
    var f=content.charAt(0);
    var l=content.substring(1,content.length);
    var new_content=l+f;



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    <title>Dispatching UI-2E</title>


<body class="bg" style="">
<div id="head" style="height: 180px"><img src="./images/header.png" alt="" style="height: 100%;width: 100%"></div>
<div id="main" style="">
    <div class="left" id="elev1P" style="">
        <div class="flashTop">
            <div class="elev">A</div>
            <div class="floor" id="floorA">3</div>
            <div class="direction"><img id="dirA" src="images/down.png" class="img24"></div>
            <div style="bottom: 0px"></div>
        <div class="horizontalRoll">
            <p id="horizontalRollLeft">LDC&nbsp;lifts&nbsp;testing...&nbsp;</p>
        <div class="scrollContent" id="scrollContentLeft"></div>
    <div class="center centerPane" style="">
        <div id="group0" style="display: block">
            <div class="groupText">
                <div class="lineItem">Current Group</div>
                <div class="lineItem" id="elev0"></div>
            <div style="border:2px solid #cba052; height:0px;padding:0px;"></div>
            <div id="groupPanel0">
                <div><images class="floorImg" src="images/f/f2.png"><label class="user">Fisher Zhang</label></div>
                <div><images class="floorImg" src="images/f/f3.png"><label class="user">Eric Xu</label></div>
        <div id="showTestWindow" style="position: absolute;top:45%; left: 35%;background-size: cover;display:none">
            <div id="output"></div>
            <form name="myform">
                <div style="margin: 0px">
                    <textarea name="outputtext" id="outputtext" rows="20" cols="150"></textarea>
                <div style="margin: 0px;display: none">
                    <textarea name="inputtext" cols="50"></textarea>
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                    <input type="button" name=clearButton value="Clear" onClick="clearText();">
                    <input type="button" name=disconnectButton value="Disconnect" onClick="doDisconnect();">
                    <input type="button" id="connectBtn" name=connectButton value="Connect" onClick="doConnect();">
        <div id="group1" style="position:absolute; left:47%;top: 27%; width: 100%;display:none">
            <div class="groupText2">
                <div class="lineItem" style="font-size: 180%">Next Group</div>
                <div class="lineItem" id="elev1"></div>
            <div style="position: relative;border:2px solid #cba052; height:0px;padding:0px;width: 52%"></div>
            <div id="groupPanel1">
                <div><images class="floorImg2" src="images/f/f2.png"><label class="user2">Fisher Zhang</label></div>
                <div><images class="floorImg2" src="images/f/f3.png"><label class="user2">Eric Xu</label></div>

    <div class="right" id="elev2P" style="">
        <div class="flashTop">
            <div class="elev">B</div>
            <div class="floor" id="floorB">3</div>
            <div class="direction"><img id="dirB" src="images/up.png" class="img24"/></div>
            <div style="bottom: 0px"></div>
        <div class="horizontalRoll">
            <p id="horizontalRollRight">LDC&nbsp;lifts&nbsp;testing...&nbsp;</p>
        <div class="scrollContent" id="scrollContentRight">
    <!--    <div style="clear:both"></div>-->


    //debug option
    var reconnectAfterBroken = false
    var clearDebugAfterBroken = false

    //please modify the value to fit the scenario
    var DEV_FLOOR = 1
    var ELEV_DIR = 1
    var MAX_DISP_GROUP = 2

    // group1, group2 , group3: {"groupId":3,"elevId":x, "users":[{"n":"fisher","f":3},{}]}
    var groups = []
    var timers = []
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_DISP_GROUP; i++) {
    var userTmpl = '<div><img class="floorImg" src="images/f/f${floor}.png"/><label class="user">${name}</label></div>'
    var userTmpl2 = '<div><img class="floorImg2" src="images/f/f${floor}.png"/><label class="user2">${name}</label></div>'
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var arrleft = [
    'Camera Sensor' + '/ ' + 'Camera Sensor test in car' + '/ ' + '2020/12/30' + '/ ' + 'An Zhonghui' + '/ ' + 'IoT',
    'Health products' + '/ ' + 'To valite the product concept of touchless COP on top of vTouch technology' + '/ ' + 'Sep 2020 to Feb 2021' + '/ ' + 'Chen Jonhson' + '/ ' + 'LDC_SH_Innovation',
    'Facial dispatching' + '/ ' + 'To demo the product of facial dispatching' + '/ ' + 'May 2017 to TBC' + '/ ' + 'Chen Jonhson' + '/ ' + 'LDC_SH_Innovation',
    'Robot integration' + '/ ' + 'To provide the elevator integration environment for 3rd party robot companies' + '/ ' + 'Nov 2019 to TBC' + '/ ' + 'Chen Jonhson' + '/ ' + 'LDC_SH_Innovation',
    'Interactive elevator call' + '/ ' + 'To demo the product concept of interactive elevator call from smart speaker (home)' + '/ ' + 'Jun 2020 to TBC' + '/ ' + 'Chen Jonhson' + '/ ' + 'LDC_SH_Innovation',

var arrRight = [
    'Camera Sensor' + '/ ' + 'Camera Sensor test in car' + '/ ' + '2020/12/30' + '/ ' + 'An Zhonghui' + '/ ' + 'IoT',
    'Health products' + '/ ' + 'To valite the product concept of touchless COP on top of vTouch technology' + '/ ' + 'Sep 2020 to Feb 2021' + '/ ' + 'Chen Jonhson' + '/ ' + 'LDC_SH_Innovation',
    'Facial dispatching' + '/ ' + 'To demo the product of facial dispatching' + '/ ' + 'May 2017 to TBC' + '/ ' + 'Chen Jonhson' + '/ ' + 'LDC_SH_Innovation',
    'Robot integration' + '/ ' + 'To provide the elevator integration environment for 3rd party robot companies' + '/ ' + 'Nov 2019 to TBC' + '/ ' + 'Chen Jonhson' + '/ ' + 'LDC_SH_Innovation',
    'Interactive elevator call' + '/ ' + 'To demo the product concept of interactive elevator call from smart speaker (home)' + '/ ' + 'Jun 2020 to TBC' + '/ ' + 'Chen Jonhson' + '/ ' + 'LDC_SH_Innovation',

var rollTitle = 'LDC lifts testing......';

function srollContent(dir) {
    setTimeout(move(dir, 50), 1000);//执行一次定时器

var direction = 1;//方向
var timer = null;//定义定时器
function move(dir, t) {
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function onloadContent(arr, dir) {
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function init() {
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function horizontalRoll(dir, rollTitle){
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