gauspuls产生高斯调制正弦脉冲(Gaussian-modulated sinusoidal pulse)


【 MATLAB 】信号处理工具箱之波形产生函数  gauspuls_归一化

yi = gauspuls(t,fc,bw) returns a unity-amplitude Gaussian RF pulse at the times indicated in array t, with a center frequency fc in hertz and a fractional bandwidth bw, which must be greater than 0. The default value for fc is 1000 Hz and for bw is 0.5.

yi = gauspuls(t,fc,bw)在数组t指定的时间内返回一个单位幅度的高斯射频脉冲,中心频率为fc,单位Hz,分数带宽为bw,但必须大于0。fc的默认值为1000Hz,bw为0.5.



tc = gauspuls('cutoff',fc,bw,bwr,tpe) returns the cutoff time tc (greater than or equal to 0) at which the trailing pulse envelope falls below tpe dB with respect to the peak envelope amplitude. The trailing pulse envelope level tpe must be less than 0, because it indicates a reference level less than the peak (unity) envelope amplitude. The default value for tpe is -60 dB.

tc = gauspuls('cutoff','fc,bw,bwr,tpe)返回截止时间tc(大于或等于0),在该截止时间tc处,尾随脉冲包络相对于峰包络振幅低于tpe dB。 尾随脉冲包络电平tpe必须小于0,因为它表示小于峰值(单位)包络幅度的参考电平。 tpe的默认值为-60 dB。




% Plot a 50 kHz Gaussian RF pulse with 60% bandwidth, sampled at a rate of 1 MHz. 
% Truncate the pulse where the envelope falls 40 dB below the peak.

close all

tc = gauspuls('cutoff',50e3,0.6,[],-40); 
t = -tc : 1e-6 : tc; 
yi = gauspuls(t,50e3,0.6); 

【 MATLAB 】信号处理工具箱之波形产生函数  gauspuls_默认值_02


yi = gauspuls(t,fc,bw,bwr) returns a unity-amplitude Gaussian RF pulse with a fractional bandwidth of bw as measured at a level of bwr dB with respect to the normalized signal peak. The fractional bandwidth reference level bwr must be less than 0, because it indicates a reference level less than the peak (unity) envelope amplitude. The default value for bwr is -6 dB. Note that the fractional bandwidth is specified in terms of power ratios. This corresponds to the -3 dB point expressed in magnitude ratios.

yi = gauspuls(t,fc,bw,bwr)返回单位幅度高斯RF脉冲,其具有bw的分数带宽,其在相对于归一化信号峰值的bwr dB水平处测量。 分数带宽参考电平bwr必须小于0,因为它表示参考电平小于峰值(单位)包络幅度。 bwr的默认值为-6 dB。 注意,分数带宽是根据功率比指定的。 这对应于以幅度比表示的-3dB点。

[yi,yq] = gauspuls(...) returns both the in-phase and quadrature pulses.

[yi,yq] = gauspuls(...)返回同相脉冲和正交脉冲。

[yi,yq,ye] = gauspuls(...) returns the RF signal envelope.

[yi,yq,ye] = gauspuls(...)返回RF信号包络。
