Positioning systems determine the location of a person or an object either relative to a known position or within a coordinate system [1] . In the last few decades, various positioning systems have been motivated by demand and have been developed.

定位系统确定人或物体相对于已知位置或坐标系内的位置[1]。 在过去的几十年中,各种定位系统受到需求的驱动并且已经被开发出来。

Figure 1.1  Positioning system classification:

【 Notes 】Positioning system classification_sed

Some of the applications of positioning systems include (but are not limited to) law enforcement, security, road safety, tracking personnel, vehicles, and other assets, situation awareness, and mobile ad hoc networks.


As shown in Figure 1.1 , positioning systems can be classified into two categories:
1. Global Positioning
2. Local Positioning

Global positioning systems ( GPSs ) allow each mobile to fi nd its own position on the globe. A local positioning system ( LPS ) is a relative positioning system and can be classifi ed into self - and remote positioning. Self - positioning systems allow each person or object to find its own position with respect to a static point at any given time and location. An example of these systems is the inertial navigation system ( INS ).

全球定位系统(GPS)允许每个移动设备在地球上找到自己的位置。 本地定位系统(LPS)是一种相对定位系统,可以分为自定位和远程定位。 自定位系统允许每个人或物体在任何给定的时间和位置相对于静止点找到自己的位置。 这些系统的一个例子是惯性导航系统(INS)。
Remote positioning systems allow each node to fi nd the relative position of other nodes located in its coverage area. Here, nodes can be static or dynamic.

远程定位系统允许每个节点找到位于其覆盖区域中的其他节点的相对位置。 这里,节点可以是静态的或动态的。

Remote positioning systems themselves are divided into
1. active target remote positioning and
2. passive target remote positioning.

In the first case, the target is active and cooperates in the process of positioning, while in the second, the target is passive and noncooperative. Examples of active target positioning systems are radio frequency identifi cation (RFID), wireless local positioning systems ( WLPSs ) [2] , and traffi c alert and collision avoidance systems ( TCAS ) [2] . Examples of passive target positioning systems are tracking radars and vision systems. Figure 1.1 summarizes the classifi cation of positioning systems.

在第一种情况下,目标是活动的并且在定位过程中协作,而在第二种情况下,目标是被动的和不合作的。 有源目标定位系统的示例是射频识别(RFID),无线本地定位系统(WLPS)[2]以及交通警报和防撞系统(TCAS)[2]。 被动目标定位系统的示例是跟踪雷达和视觉系统。 图1.1总结了定位系统的分类。

This chapter reviews the operation of several key positioning systems and compares their operation, application, and pros and cons.

Several key positioning parameters such as accuracy, capability in line - of - sight ( LOS ) versus non - line - of -sight ( NLOS ) positioning, number of base stations required for positioning, and power consumption are considered as the benchmark for comparison.

Moreover, tables summarize information on the operating ranges of the positioning parameters for the positioning systems discussed in this chapter. This information will guide system designers in selecting a positioning system for a particular application based on requirements that may be specified using a combination of parameters discussed in this chapter.

Section 1.2 discusses the fundamentals of various techniques that form the basis of almost all the positioning systems.


Section 1.3 discusses the operation of several key positioning systems,


while Section 1.4 compares the positioning systems and highlights their pros and cons.


Section 1.5 outlines futuristic applications of several positioning systems.





远程定位系统允许每个节点找到位于其覆盖区域中的其他节点的相对位置。 这里,节点可以是静态的或动态的。



有源目标定位系统的示例是射频识别(RFID),无线本地定位系统(WLPS)[2]以及交通警报和防撞系统(TCAS)[2]。 被动目标定位系统的示例是跟踪雷达和视觉系统。
