FUNCTION zmm_po_send_email.
function zmm_po_send_email. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"區域介面: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(OLD_EKKO) TYPE EKKO *" VALUE(NEW_EKKO) TYPE EKKO *" VALUE(IM_STATUS) TYPE MEREP_TSALEORDER-STATUS *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *如果是取消核發,則不觸發郵件功能 data:v_level type i, "核發級別,如四級審批 v_offst type i, "偏移量 v_index type i, "索引號 v_tabix type i, "內表行 v_olddc type c, "核發前狀態 v_newwc type c. "核發后狀態 data:i_codes like table of merel_s_grid1 with header line, i_codesall like table of merel_s_grid1 with header line, i_codesno like table of merel_s_grid1 with header line, w_code1 like merel_s_grid1, w_code2 like merel_s_grid1. *等待3秒鐘,其目的是讓PO核發處理完畢,再執行下面的,因為執行太快了,下面讀取核發代碼很有可能不全面 *該FM必須異步調用才能有效處理 *WAIT UP TO 10 SECONDS. "DEVK908804 break-point id zmm_email. *FRGKE 核發指示碼A表示已完成核發, *FRGZU 核發狀態,X表示級別上已核發 *V_LEVEL = STRLEN( NEW_EKKO-FRGZU ). *BREAK CP900. call function 'ZMM_PO_RELEASE_STRATEGY_DATA' exporting ebeln = new_ekko-ebeln importing e_level = v_level tables t_relcodes = i_codes t_relcodesall = i_codesall t_relcodesno = i_codesno. *DESCRIBE TABLE I_CODES LINES V_LEVEL. perform set_rel_info(saplzxwms_mast) if found tables i_codesno. condense old_ekko-frgzu no-gaps. condense new_ekko-frgzu no-gaps. if im_status = 'CRT'. "從建立或更新觸發 elseif im_status = 'REL'. "核發時觸發 while v_level gt 0. v_index = v_index + 1. v_olddc = old_ekko-frgzu+v_offst(1). v_newwc = new_ekko-frgzu+v_offst(1). if v_olddc eq '' and v_newwc = 'X'. "核發情況 clear:w_code1,w_code2. read table i_codesall into w_code1 index v_index. if new_ekko-frgke = 'A'. "表明核發已完成,發送郵件通知采購群組 w_code2-description = new_ekko-ekgrp. perform check_po_recipient_address using new_ekko-ekorg new_ekko-frggr w_code2 'COM' changing sy-subrc. if sy-subrc eq 0. perform ready_po_send_email using new_ekko 'COM' w_code1 w_code2. endif. perform send_po_to_vendor using new_ekko. else. "表明部分核發,發送郵件通知下一位核發者 v_tabix = v_index + 1. read table i_codesall into w_code2 index v_tabix. perform check_po_recipient_address using new_ekko-ekorg new_ekko-frggr w_code2 im_status changing sy-subrc. if sy-subrc eq 0. perform ready_po_send_email using new_ekko im_status w_code1 w_code2. endif. endif. endif. v_level = v_level - 1. v_offst = v_offst + 1. endwhile. endif. endfunction.