Title: A Guide to Scaling PVC in Kubernetes (K8S)

As an experienced developer, you may encounter situations where you need to scale Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) in Kubernetes. In this article, we will focus on guiding beginners on how to achieve this using step-by-step instructions and code examples.

Step-by-Step Guide to Scaling PVC in Kubernetes:

| Step | Description |
| 1 | Check the current PVC size |
| 2 | Update the PVC size in the YAML file |
| 3 | Apply the changes to scale the PVC size |

Step 1: Check the current PVC size
First, you need to determine the current size of the PVC you want to scale. You can do this by using the following kubectl command:
kubectl get pvc -n -o=jsonpath='{.spec.resources.requests.storage}'
This command will output the current storage size in the PVC.

Step 2: Update the PVC size in the YAML file
Next, you need to update the YAML file of the PVC to increase the storage size. Open the YAML file using your preferred text editor and locate the `spec.resources.requests.storage` field. Update the value to the desired storage size. Here is an example of how the YAML file should look:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: my-pvc
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 10Gi

Step 3: Apply the changes to scale the PVC size
After updating the YAML file, save the changes and apply them to Kubernetes using the following command:
kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml -n
Replace `pvc.yaml` with the name of your YAML file containing the updated PVC configuration.

By following these three simple steps, you can successfully scale the size of a PVC in Kubernetes. Remember to always double-check your changes and ensure they are applied correctly to avoid any issues in your cluster. With these instructions and code examples, even beginners can easily understand and implement PVC scaling in Kubernetes. Happy coding!