Title: Addressing Uneven Distribution in K8S Scheduler

In Kubernetes, the scheduler is responsible for assigning pods to nodes based on resource requirements, node capacity, and other constraints. However, sometimes you may notice that the distribution of pods across nodes is not even, leading to uneven resource utilization. In this article, we will discuss how to address the issue of uneven distribution in the K8S scheduler.

Step-by-Step Guide:

| Step | Description |
| 1 | Identify the unevenly distributed pods |
| 2 | Drain the heavily loaded nodes |
| 3 | Adjust the scheduler configuration |
| 4 | Manually balance pod distribution |

Step 1: Identify the unevenly distributed pods
Before taking any action, it is essential to identify which pods are causing the uneven distribution across nodes. You can use the following command to display pod distribution information:

kubectl get pods -o custom-columns=NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace,NAME:.metadata.name,NODE:.spec.nodeName

Step 2: Drain the heavily loaded nodes
If you notice that some nodes are heavily loaded with pods, you can drain those nodes to redistribute the pods across other nodes. Use the following command to drain a node:

kubectl drain --ignore-daemonsets

Step 3: Adjust the scheduler configuration
You can adjust the scheduler configuration to influence how pods are assigned to nodes. You can modify parameters such as pod priority, inter-pod affinity/anti-affinity, and pod disruption budgets. Use the following command to edit the scheduler configuration:

kubectl edit cm -n kube-system kube-scheduler

Step 4: Manually balance pod distribution
If the above steps do not yield the desired results, you can manually move pods between nodes to achieve a more balanced distribution. Use the following commands to delete and recreate pods on different nodes:

kubectl delete pod --force --grace-period=0
kubectl create -f

In conclusion, addressing uneven distribution in the K8S scheduler requires a combination of monitoring pod distribution, draining heavily loaded nodes, adjusting scheduler configurations, and manually balancing pod placements. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a more even distribution of pods across nodes in your Kubernetes cluster.