Ansible SCP: Simplifying file transfer in Red Hat


In the field of system administration, managing multiple servers efficiently is of utmost importance. Red Hat, being one of the leading providers of open-source enterprise solutions, offers various tools to simplify tasks such as configuration management, automation, and file transfer.
One such tool is Ansible, which provides a convenient method for securely transferring files between systems using SCP (Secure Copy Protocol). This article focuses on how Ansible and SCP work together in a Red Hat environment, highlighting their benefits for system administrators.

What is Ansible?

Ansible is an open-source automation tool that allows system administrators to automate repetitive tasks, manage configurations, and deploy applications seamlessly across multiple servers. It follows a declarative approach, where the user specifies the desired state of the system, and Ansible takes care of executing the necessary steps to achieve that state.

Understanding SCP

Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) is a network protocol built on top of SSH (Secure Shell) that enables secure file transfer between computers. It provides strong authentication and encryption mechanisms, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of transferred data. SCP is widely used in the field of system administration for its simplicity and security.

Using Ansible SCP for file transfer

Ansible simplifies file transfer using SCP by providing a module called `copy` that utilizes SCP internally. This module allows administrators to transfer files or directories from the control machine (the system executing Ansible) to remote systems or vice versa.

To transfer a file from the control machine to a remote system, administrators can use the following Ansible task:

- name: Copy a file to a remote system
src: /path/to/local/file
dest: /path/to/remote/location

Conversely, to transfer a file from a remote system to the control machine, the `fetch` module can be utilized:

- name: Fetch a file from a remote system
src: /path/to/remote/file
dest: /path/to/local/location

Ansible SCP employs intelligent syncing, ensuring that only modified files are transferred, thus reducing network traffic and improving speed. This is beneficial when transferring large files or directories, significantly saving time and resources.

Furthermore, Ansible SCP facilitates transferring files between multiple remote systems by utilizing the `delegate_to` parameter. With this parameter, administrators can specify a particular remote system from which files should be transferred to other remote systems.

Benefits of Ansible SCP for Red Hat administrators

1. Simplified file transfer: Ansible abstracts the complexities of SCP and provides a user-friendly interface for file transfer. Administrators no longer need to remember SCP commands or manually execute file transfers on different systems.

2. Automation capabilities: Ansible allows administrators to automate file transfer tasks by incorporating them into playbooks. This enables streamlined and consistent file management across multiple systems, reducing manual effort and potential errors.

3. Scalability: Ansible can manage a large number of systems simultaneously. By employing a simple YAML syntax, administrators can define file transfer tasks for multiple systems in a concise and maintainable manner.

4. Reusability: Ansible playbooks and roles can be easily reused across Red Hat environments. This promotes standardization and ensures consistent file transfer procedures across different projects and teams.


When it comes to file transfer in a Red Hat environment, Ansible SCP proves to be a reliable and efficient solution for system administrators. By simplifying the SCP process and offering additional automation capabilities, Ansible enhances productivity, scalability, and standardization. With Ansible SCP, file management becomes a breeze, enabling administrators to focus on more critical tasks in their IT infrastructure.